Fork Ltd./Prey
Grabs detailed information about the network status, such as the device's MAC and its public/private IP addresses.
Información a obtener
Marca los datos que deseas obtener de tu dispositivo en cada reporte.
No tiene efecto a menos de que el dispositivo sea marcado como desaparecido.</strong>
Wipes all of Chrome's application data for users in your PC. In Linux, this option includes Chromium as well.
Delete Chrome data
Whether to eliminate your system password keychains or not.
Delete credentials
Wipes all of Firefox's application data for users in your PC.
Delete Firefox data
Wipes all of Internet Explorer's application data for users in your PC. (Only Windows)
Delete IE data
Wipes all of Safari's application data for users in your PC. (Mac & Windows)
Delete Safari data
Appends '.backup' to all Outlook profiles in your PC so that none email and contacts can be found.
Hide Outlook data
Appends '.backup' to all Thunderbird profiles in your PC so that none email and contacts can be found.
Hide Thunderbird data
Whether Prey should remove the stuff you choose or simply hide it by moving it to "[folder].backup"
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