Error: Feed not retrieved. If you continue experiencing this problem, please turn the News Module to Off in the Joom!Fish Configuration.
Error: Feed not retrieved. If you continue experiencing this problem, please turn the News Module to Off in the Joom!Fish Configuration.
Joom!Fish -
The multilingual Content Manager for Joomla!
The multilingual Content Manager for Joomla!
Flersproget artikeladministration til Joomla! -
Control Panel
Control Panel
Kontrolpanel -
Oversættelse -
Forældreløse -
Manage Translations
Manage Translations
Administration af oversættelser -
Statistikker -
Content Languages
Content Languages
Sprogindstillinger -
Content elements
Content elements
Indholdselementer -
Help & How To's
Help & How To's
Hjælp & Tips -
Navn -
Ophav -
Manage Plugins
Manage Plugins
Administration af programudvidelser -
Welcome to Joom!Fish
Welcome to Joom!Fish
Velkommen til Joom!Fish -
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
Du bruger nyeste version af denne gennemprøvet komponent der muliggør et flersproget Joomla!. Mange nye funktioner er blevet integreret for at få dit websted til at fungere bedre samt drage fuld nytte af de nye Joomla!-funktioner.<br>
<h4>The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
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If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the <a href="" target="_blank">Joom!Fish Club</a> is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits. <b>The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the
<a href="" target="_blank">
Joom!Fish Club</a>
is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits.<b>
The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
Hvis du har behov for professionel støtte og mere avancerede løsninger til dit flersprogede websted så er<a href="" target="_blank">
måske det du har brug for. For en lav medlemsafgift får du tilgang til en række fordele.<b>
Denne udvidelsen har allerede givet dig %s oversættelser, og dette kan i værdi opgøres til %s EUR (kalkuleret efter 0,10 EUR/oversættelse). Det er da værd et medlemskab, eller?</b>