JoomFish project members
JoomFish project members
JoomFish Website
JoomFish Website
JoomFish forum
JoomFish forum
JoomFish documentation
JoomFish documentation
<?php echo JText::_('Language Title');?>
<?php echo JText::_('Language Title');?>
The Joom!Fish project provides the latest information on our offical project website <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
The Joom!Fish project provides the latest information on our offical project website<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Joom!Fish is released under <a href="" target="_blank">GPL Version 2.0</a>.<br />
Joom!Fish is released under<a href="" target="_blank">
GPL Version 2.0</a>
.<br />
Think Network® and JoomFish are trademarks from <a href="" target="_blank">Think Network GmbH, Munich Germany</a>.<br /> Neither Think Network nor JoomFish may be used in any commercial product, addon or other material without prior written permission.
Think Network® and JoomFish are trademarks from
<a href="" target="_blank">
Think Network GmbH, Munich Germany</a>
.<br />
Neither Think Network nor JoomFish may be used in any commercial product, addon or other material without prior written permission. -
Joom!Fish: be in control of your localization
Joom!Fish: be in control of your localization
Joom!Fish: Sei in der Kontrolle Deiner Lokalisierung -
The Joom!Fish extensions provides you the capabilities to manage, control and maintain your different language versions of your website.<br /> The purpose of this extension is automatically choose the langauge version of any information of you Joomla CMS that the user choosed to use. To achieve this you need to follow 4 basic steps:
The Joom!Fish extensions provides you the capabilities to manage, control and maintain your different language versions of your website.<br />
The purpose of this extension is automatically choose the langauge version of any information of you Joomla CMS that the user choosed to use.
To achieve this you need to follow 4 basic steps:Die Erweiterung Joom!Fish gibt Dir die Möglichkeit die verschiedenen Sprachversionen Deiner Webseite zu verwalten und zu überprüfen.<br />
Der Sinn dieser Erweiterung ist es automatisch die verfügbare Sprachversion auszuwählen, die Dein Nutzer ausgewählt hat. Und dies gilt für alle Informationen, die im Joomla CMS gespeichert werden.
Um dies zu erreichen musst Du nur den folgenden vier Grundschritten folgen:
Define the languages in which you like to allow your users to view your website using the <a href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&">content language manager</a>.
Define the languages in which you like to allow your users to view your website using the
<a href="
administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&">content language manager<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
.Bestimmte die der Inahlte Sprachen, in welchen Dein Besucher die Webseite benutzen kann indem Du sie mit dem<a href="
administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&">Inhalte Sprachmanager<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
erstellst. -
Configure the <a href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>administrator/index.php?option=com_modules&client=0">language selection module</a> and the <a href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>administrator/index.php?option=com_plugins">JoomFish specific router plugin</a> in the way you like your website to behave.
Configure the
<a href="
administrator/index.php?option=com_modules&client=0">language selection module<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
and the<a href="
administrator/index.php?option=com_plugins">JoomFish specific router plugin<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
in the way you like your website to behave.Konfiguriere das<a href="
administrator/index.php?option=com_modules&client=0">Modul zur Sprachauswahl<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
und den<a href="
administrator/index.php?option=com_plugins">spezifischen JoomFish Router<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
in der Art und Weise wie sie für Deine Webseite geeignet ist. -
Translate your CMS information e.g. for menus or articles using either the direct translation module or the <a href="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&task=translate.overview">translation overview</a>.<br />Don't forget to publish your translations ;-).
Translate your CMS information e.g. for menus or articles using either the direct translation module or the
<a href="
administrator/index2.php?option=com_joomfish&task=translate.overview">translation overview<
?php echo JURI::root(); ?></a>
.<br />
Don't forget to publish your translations ;-). -
Add additional translation maps (content elements) to allow the translation of additional information such as your shop, calendar and many more.
Add additional translation maps (content elements) to allow the translation of additional information such as your shop, calendar and many more.
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_SUPPORT');?>
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_SUPPORT');?>
Managing website content is made really easy using Joomla! CMS. Adding an other language however can increase the complexity quite a lot.<br /> We highly recommend that you plan your website structure in one language first before you start translating the information. Also plan the translation as sometimes you will encounter strange behavior of your site if you changed something in your original but did not updated the translation accordingly.
Managing website content is made really easy using Joomla! CMS. Adding an other language however can increase the complexity quite a lot.
<br />
We highly recommend that you plan your website structure in one language first before you start translating the information. Also plan the translation as
sometimes you will encounter strange behavior of your site if you changed something in your original but did not updated the translation accordingly. -
Our <a href="" target="_blank">community support forum</a> is a great source and free of charge knowledgebase for you. You will find a lot of information related multilingual websites, localization and more.
<a href="" target="_blank">
community support forum</a>
is a great source and free of charge knowledgebase
for you. You will find a lot of information related multilingual websites, localization and more. -
Additionally we provide extended support for this extension that is based on various support and service plans. These plans are availble in our <a href="" target="_blank"Joom!Fish club area and give you additional support during your installation and extended service period.
Additionally we provide extended support for this extension that is based on various support and service plans. These plans are availble in our
a href="" target="_blank"Joom!Fish club area and give you
additional support during your installation and extended service period. -
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_VIDEOPREVIEW');?>
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_VIDEOPREVIEW');?>
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_VIDEO_DOCUMENTATION_DESC');?><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"><?php echo JText::_('JF_FIND_OUT_MORE')?></a>
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_VIDEO_DOCUMENTATION_DESC');?><br />
<a href="" target="_blank"><?php echo JText::_('JF_FIND_OUT_MORE')?></a>