This indicates the default Joomla language based on the system configuration
If checked the frontend translation for this language is installed and available. If you need the front-end translation files please visit the Joomla extension directory or the help for more information.
The front-end language file is available
The front-end language file is not available. Please open the the help information for details where to find these files.
Set as frontend default language
Default language set
Error changing default language
System language
The language defined as default in your Joomla Language Manager. This language is assumed to be your primary (default) content language.
Config directory for language flags
This directory is configured in the JoomFish component parameters and represents the primary folder in which flag images (
<sef code>
.gif) will be searched. Alternative directories are the template directory (<template>
/images/flags) or the path based on the system root. -
Browse language flags
<span style="color: red;">
upgrade required</span>
JoomFish 2.0 table structure upgraded
JoomFish 2.1 table structure determined
Warning: JoomFish detected an old database structure and was not able to automatically upgrade it! An upgrade is required before you continue using JoomFish. Please use the SQL skript in your admin directory.
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