Content Element Installer
Content Element Installer
Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?
Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?
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Statistics info
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Bug and Feature tracker
Documentation and Tutorials
Documentation and Tutorials
Installation notes
Installation notes
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Online Documentation and Tutorials
Online Documentation and Tutorials
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To all the people of the JoomFish community!
To all the people of the JoomFish community!
¡Para toda la gente de la comunidad JoomFish! -
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Statistics info
Statistics info
Información estadística -
The statistic features give you an overview of certain translation related information. With these statistics you can e.g. determin which translations are out of date, or how your coverage within the translation of a language is.
The statistic features give you an overview of certain translation related information. With these statistics you can e.g. determin which translations are out of date, or how your coverage within the translation of a language is.
Las características de la estadística le dan una descripción de la información relacionada de cierta traducción. Con estas estadísticas se puede por ejemplo, determinar las traducciones que están fuera de fecha, o la forma en que su cobertura en la traducción de un idioma es. -
Content Element Installer
Content Element Installer
Instalador de Elemento de Contenido -
Are you sure you want to DELETE this Content Element file?
Are you sure you want to DELETE this Content Element file?
¿Está seguro que quiere BORRAR este archivo de Elemento de Contenido?
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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