Static Content
Static Content
Contenido estático -
Author Filter
Author Filter
Filtros del autor -
All Authors
All Authors
Todos los autores -
Keyword Filter
Keyword Filter
Filtrar por palabra clave -
Palabra clave -
Translation Availability
Translation Availability
Disponibilidad de traducción -
Menu Filter
Menu Filter
Menú de filtros -
All Menus
All Menus
Todos los menus -
original value has been copied to the clipboard.<br />Now paste in your editor as html
original value has been copied to the clipboard.
<br />
Now paste in your editor as htmlel valor original ha sido copiado al portapapeles.<br />
Ahora peguelo en su editor como html -
press ctl-C or command-C to copy original value to the clipboard.<br />Then paste in your editor as html
press ctl-C or command-C to copy original value to the clipboard.
<br />
Then paste in your editor as htmlpresione ctl-C o command-C para copiar el valor original al portapapeles.<br />
Luego peguelo en su editor como html -
your browser does not support copying to the clipboard.<br />Select the original by hand and copy and paste
your browser does not support copying to the clipboard.
<br />
Select the original by hand and copy and pastesu navegador no soporta copiar al portapapeles.<br />
Seleccione el contenido a mano y luego copie y pegue -
Only active languages will be presented online. Non active languages can be used for preparation of translations.
Only active languages will be presented online. Non active languages can be used for preparation of translations.
Sólo lenguajes activos serán mostrados online. Los lenguajes no activos pueden ser usados para la preparación de traducciones. -
Ordering in the frontend.
Ordering in the frontend.
Orden en la portada. -
Use for individual fixed text. To use language depended information leave empty and use the <strong> NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE</strong> constant defined in the Joom!Fish language files.
Use for individual fixed text. To use language depended information leave empty and use the
constant defined in the Joom!Fish language files.Uselo para texto puntual. Para usar un lenguaje dependiente de información, dejelo vacío y use la constante<strong>
definida en los archivos de lenguaje de Joom!Fish. -
Spacer for displaying language selector in textmode when in horizontal mode.<br /><strong>Hint</strong>: If nothing is filled here in, but horizontal mode is selected, usually a spacer will be defined by Joomla as: | (with space before and after).<br />Space before and after will be used always.
Spacer for displaying language selector in textmode when in horizontal mode.
<br /><strong>
: If nothing is filled here in, but horizontal mode is selected, usually a spacer will be defined by Joomla as: | (with space before and after).<br />
Space before and after will be used always.Usar espaciador para mostrar selector de lenguaje en modo texto y en modo horizontal.<br /><strong>
: Si deja esto vacío, pero el modo horizontal está seleccionado, usualmente un espaciador será definido por Joomla como: | (con un espacio antes y después).<br />
Un espacio antes y después será usado siempre. -
Use this additional dialog to set and overwrite existing global settings
Use this additional dialog to set and overwrite existing global settings
Use esto para configurar y sobreescribir configuraciones globales existentes -
Choose a Joomla filename to represent a fallback language if no translation exists in selected language.
Choose a Joomla filename to represent a fallback language if no translation exists in selected language.
Elija un lenguaje alternativo para representar el idioma si no hay una traducción existente para el idioma seleccionado. -
Error: -
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
El contenido del articulo [ %s ] está actualmente siendo editado por otro administrador // %s=$actContentObject->title