The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
El contenido del articulo [ %s ] está actualmente siendo editado por otro administrador // %s=$actContentObject->title -
Config file not writeable!
Config file not writeable!
¡No se puede escribir en el archivo configuración! -
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
¡El mambot de multilenguajes no está instalado o se encuentra despublicado - no funcionará en ese estado! (instalelo o publiquelo) -
File could not be copied
File could not be copied
El archivo no pudo ser copiado -
You must choose a language
You must choose a language
Debe seleccionar un lenguaje -
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted<br/>
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted
No existe traducción %s - no ha sido borrada<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers
Algo raro está sucediendo - por favor reporte este manesaje a los desarrolladores de Joomfish<br/>
Despublicado -
You must enter a name
You must enter a name
Ingrese un nombre -
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
Debe ingresar un nombre adecuado -
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
Ya existe un lenguaje con ese nombre en Joomla!, por favor intentelo nuevamente -
List of names (vertical)
List of names (vertical)
Lista de nombres (vertical) -
List of images (vertical)
List of images (vertical)
Lista de imagenes (vertical) -
Spacer at display as text
Spacer at display as text
Espaciador al mostrar texto -
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Active todos los modulos que quiere ver en el Panel de Control. ¡En caso que una alerta aparezca active todos los modulos Despublicados! -
No -
Si -
Store original version as
Store original version as
Guardar versión original como -
Control Panel Modules
Control Panel Modules
Which modules are active on the control panel
Which modules are active on the control panel
Modulos activos en el panel de control