Joom!Fish -
The multilingual Content Manager for Joomla!
The multilingual Content Manager for Joomla!
Уредувач на повеќејазични содржини за Joomla! -
Control Panel
Control Panel
Контролна табла -
Превод -
Сирачиња -
Manage Translations
Manage Translations
Менаџирај преводи -
Content Languages
Content Languages
Поставки за јазик -
Content elements
Content elements
Содржински елементи -
Help & How To's
Help & How To's
Помош и Како да -
Име -
Автор -
Manage Plugins
Manage Plugins
Welcome to Joom!Fish
Welcome to Joom!Fish
Добредојдовте во Joom!Fish -
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
Ја користите последната верзија на најмултијазичната додавка за Joomla!. Вградени се многу нови опции за подобрување на вашите страници и искористување на можностите на Joomla!. -
<h4>The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
Joom!Fish клуб</h4>
- -
If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the <a href="" target="_blank">Joom!Fish Club</a> is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits. <b>The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the
<a href="" target="_blank">
Joom!Fish Club</a>
is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits.<b>
The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
Ако ви е потребна професионална подршка и подобрувања за вашата мултијазична страница<a href="" target="_blank">
Joom!Fish клубот</a>
е тоа што го барате. За мала членарина.<b>
Додавката веќе ви служи за %s преводи. То е еднакво на %s EUR (помножете 0,10 EUR/превод) и вреди за членарината, или...?</b>
<h4>The Joom!Fish service</h4>
The Joom!Fish service</h4>
Joom!Fish услуги</h4>