Menu Filter
Menu Filter
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original value has been copied to the clipboard.<br />Now paste in your editor as html
original value has been copied to the clipboard.
<br />
Now paste in your editor as htmloriginal verdi er blitt kopiert til utklippstavlen.\nLim det nå inn i din tekstbehandler som html. -
press ctl-C or command-C to copy original value to the clipboard.<br />Then paste in your editor as html
press ctl-C or command-C to copy original value to the clipboard.
<br />
Then paste in your editor as htmlpress Ctrl-C eller command-C for å kopiere original verdi til utklippstavlen.\nLim det så inn i din tekstbehandler som html. -
your browser does not support copying to the clipboard.<br />Select the original by hand and copy and paste
your browser does not support copying to the clipboard.
<br />
Select the original by hand and copy and pastedin nettleser støtter ikke kopiering til utklippstavlen.\nVelg original manuelt for å kopier og lime. -
Only active languages will be presented online. Non active languages can be used for preparation of translations.
Only active languages will be presented online. Non active languages can be used for preparation of translations.
Bare aktive språk vil bli vist på nett. Inaktive språk kan brukes for forberedelse av oversettelser. -
Ordering in the frontend.
Ordering in the frontend.
Rekkefølge for visning på forsiden. -
Use for individual fixed text. To use language depended information leave empty and use the <strong> NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE</strong> constant defined in the Joom!Fish language files.
Use for individual fixed text. To use language depended information leave empty and use the
constant defined in the Joom!Fish language files.Fyll bare inn en tekst her om</strong>
egendefinert tekst</strong>
skal vises.<br />
Hvis ikke skal feltet være tomt, Joomla! vil bruke definisjonen fra språkfilen :<strong>
Spacer for displaying language selector in textmode when in horizontal mode.<br /><strong>Hint</strong>: If nothing is filled here in, but horizontal mode is selected, usually a spacer will be defined by Joomla as: | (with space before and after).<br />Space before and after will be used always.
Spacer for displaying language selector in textmode when in horizontal mode.
<br /><strong>
: If nothing is filled here in, but horizontal mode is selected, usually a spacer will be defined by Joomla as: | (with space before and after).<br />
Space before and after will be used always.Skilletegn når språkvalg vises i horisontal tekstvisning.<br /><strong>
: Om ingenting fylles inn her, og horisontal visning er valgt, vil et skilletegn bli vist av Joomla! som: | (med mellomrom før og etter).<br />
Mellomrom før og etter vil alltid bli brukt. -
Use this additional dialog to set and overwrite existing global settings
Use this additional dialog to set and overwrite existing global settings
Bruk denne ekstradialogen til å angi og overskrive eksisterende globale innstillinger -
Choose a Joomla filename to represent a fallback language if no translation exists in selected language.
Choose a Joomla filename to represent a fallback language if no translation exists in selected language.
Velg et Joomla-filnavn som skal virke som et tilbakefallspråk om ingen oversettelse eksisterer for valgte språk. -
Feil: -
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
Config file not writeable!
Config file not writeable!
Konfigurasjonfilen er ikke skrivbar! -
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
Flerspråklig programtillegg er ikke installert eller publisert - Joom!fish vil ikke virke uten denne! -
File could not be copied
File could not be copied
Fil kunne ikke kopieres -
You must choose a language
You must choose a language
Du må velge et språk -
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted<br/>
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted
Ingen oversettelse som %s, den har ikke blitt slettet<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers
Noe rart forgår her, vennligst rapporter dette til Joom!fish-utviklerne<br/>