Autor -
Manage Plugins
Manage Plugins
Welcome to Joom!Fish
Welcome to Joom!Fish
Bun venit la Joom!Fish -
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
Utilizaţi cea mai recentă versiune matură a extensiei multi lingvistice pentru Joomla!. Multe caracteristici noi sunt integrate pentru o mai bună funcţionare a site-urilor dumneavoastră, oferindu-vă posibilitatea folosirii pe deplin a posibilităţilor oferite de Joomla!. -
<h4>The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
Clubul Joom!Fish</h4>
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If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the <a href="" target="_blank">Joom!Fish Club</a> is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits. <b>The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the
<a href="" target="_blank">
Joom!Fish Club</a>
is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits.<b>
The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
Dacă aveţi nevoie de suport profesional şi de soluţii îmbunătăţite pentru site-ul dumneavoastră cu conţinut în mai multe limbi<a href="" target="_blank">
Clubul Joom!Fish</a>
este ceea ce căutaţi. Contra unei mici taxe de înscriere, ca membru al clubului, aveţi beneficia de următoarele beneficii.<b>
Aţi folosit această extensie deja pentru %s traduceri. Aceasta poate să valoreze %s EUR (calculat la 0,10 EUR/traducere), deci rentează să fi membru al clubului, sau nu?</b>
<h4>The Joom!Fish service</h4>
The Joom!Fish service</h4>
Servicii Joom!Fish</h4>
The project provides various free services such as documentation, community forum and more on our website <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Check it out and join one of the growing international communities related multilingual websites.
The project provides various free services such as documentation, community forum and more on our website
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
. Check it out and join one of the growing international communities related multilingual websites.Proiectul oferă diverse servicii gratuite cum ar fi documentaţie, forumul comunităţii şi multe altele pe site-ul nostru<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
. Înregistraţi-vă şi aderaţi la una din cele mai prolifice comunităţi internaţionale în ceea ce priveşte chestiunile legate de site-urile în mai multe limbi. -
Noutăţi -
You are viewing the latest project news from the Joom!Fish. If you encounter problems with this module you might want to switch it off in the component configuration.
You are viewing the latest project news from the Joom!Fish. If you encounter problems with this module you might want to switch it off in the component configuration.
Vedeţi ultimele noutăţi ale proiectului Joom!Fish. Dacă întâlniţi probleme cu acest modul ar trebui să-l dezactivaţi din configuratorul de componente. -
Unpublished Content Elements
Unpublished Content Elements
Elemente de conţinut nepublicate -
Stare -
Directory State
Directory State
Starea directorului -
Extension State
Extension State
Starea extensiei -
<span style="font-weight:bold; color:green">Writable</span>
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<span style="font-weight:bold; color:green">
<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red">NOT Writable</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red">
NOT Writable</span>
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<span style="font-weight:bold; color:green">Published</span>
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<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red">Unpublished</span>
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<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red">
<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red">not installed!</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red">
not installed!</span>
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