List of names (vertical)
List of names (vertical)
Seznam imen (verticalno) -
List of images (vertical)
List of images (vertical)
Seznam slik (verticalno) -
Spacer at display as text
Spacer at display as text
PResledek za prikaz kot tekst -
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Aktivirajte vse module, ki jih želite videti v nadzorni plošci. V primeru,da pride do napake, bo neobljavljeno ali stanje modul za zmeraj aktiven! -
Ne -
Da -
Store original version as
Store original version as
Shrani originalno verzijo kot -
Control Panel Modules
Control Panel Modules
Which modules are active on the control panel
Which modules are active on the control panel
Kateri moduli so aktivni na nadzorni plošci -
Credits and the rest of the universe
Credits and the rest of the universe
Credits and the rest of the universe -
Management information / result
Management information / result
Management information / rezultet -
This feature allows you to manage your translations and execute certain maintenance tasks.<br />Please choose one of task from left side.
This feature allows you to manage your translations and execute certain maintenance tasks.
<br />
Please choose one of task from left side.Ta poteza ti omogoca upravljanje tvojih prevodov in potrditev vzdrževalnih nalog.<br />
Prosim izberite nalogo z leve strani. -
Check Translation Status
Check Translation Status
Preveri status prevoda -
Check Original Status
Check Original Status
Prevedi status originala -
Content Element Status
Content Element Status
Status vsebinskih elementov -
Copy original to language
Copy original to language
Kopiraj original v jezike -
Joom!Fish is processing your request ...
Joom!Fish is processing your request ...
Joom!Fish procesira tvoj ukaz ... -
Translation status phase 1/3 completed.<br />Checking published transslation ...
Translation status phase 1/3 completed.
<br />
Checking published transslation ...Status stopnje prevoda 1/3 zakljucen.<br />
Preverjanje obljavljenih prevodov ... -
Translation status phase 2/3 completed.<br />Checking each translation state %s ...
Translation status phase 2/3 completed.
<br />
Checking each translation state %s ...Status stopnje prevoda 2/3 zakljucen.<br />
Preverjanje stanja posameznega prevoda %s ... -
Translation status check completed.
Translation status check completed.
Preverjanje stanja prevoda koncano