System Error Message
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There are no translations available
There are no translations available
Нема расположивих превода -
There are no translations available
There are no translations available
Нема расположивих превода -
There is no translation available, please select a different language.
There is no translation available, please select a different language.
Нема расположивог превода, изаберите други језик. -
This content has not been translated.
This content has not been translated.
Овај садржај није преведен. -
This is saved in the database as a "+fromLang+" translation<br /><br />If you change the language to "+toLang+" and save the translation you will loose your existing "+fromLang+" translation as it will be replaced by a "+toLang+" translation<br /><br />Do you wish to proceed and change the language of this existing translation?
This is saved in the database as a "+fromLang+" translation
<br /><br />
If you change the language to "+toLang+" and save the translation you will loose your existing "+fromLang+" translation as it will be replaced by a "+toLang+" translation<br /><br />
Do you wish to proceed and change the language of this existing translation?Ово је сачувано у бази као „+fromLang+“ превод<br /><br />
Уколико промените језик на „+toLang+“ и сачувате превод изгубићете постојећи „+fromLang+“ превод који ће бити замењен „+toLang+“ преводом<br /><br />
Да ли желите да наставите са променом језика постојећег превода? -
You have restored the language of this translation to %s
You have restored the language of this translation to %s
Повратили сте језик овог превода на %s -
The original content offering available translations too
The original content offering available translations too
Оригинални садржај такође може бити преведен