Content Element Installer
Content Element Installer
Namestitev vsebinskih elementov -
Are you sure you want to DELETE this Content Element file?
Are you sure you want to DELETE this Content Element file?
Ali ste prepricani, da želite IZBRISATI to vsebinsko datoteko? -
Are you sure you want to DELETE the translations?
Are you sure you want to DELETE the translations?
Ali ste prepricani, da želite IZBRISATI ta prevod? -
Podrobnosti -
Advanced Users Only - Experimental Query Analysis Caching
Advanced Users Only - Experimental Query Analysis Caching
Samo za napredne uporabnike - Poskusna poizvedba analize -
Enable experimental query analysis caching
Enable experimental query analysis caching
Omogoci poskusno poizvedovanje -
Enable query analysis logging
Enable query analysis logging
Omogoci prijavo v analizo -
This implements a cache on a processor heavy routine for analysing sql queries - the functionality is experimental and should only be used by experienced users who know what this means.
This implements a cache on a processor heavy routine for analysing sql queries - the functionality is experimental and should only be used by experienced users who know what this means.
To povzroca za procesor težke rutinske analize - funkcionalnost je poskusna in jo lahko uporabljajo le izkušeni uporabniki, ki vedo, kaj to pomeni. -
To help test the accuracy and effectiveness of the Query Analysis Caching - this option builds a log file of queries and the outcome of the anaysis. Set this to yes only if you are invited to provde log data to the developers. The log file will grow very quickly on a large site so use with caution only for a limited time
To help test the accuracy and effectiveness of the Query Analysis Caching - this option builds a log file of queries and the outcome of the anaysis. Set this to yes only if you are invited to provde log data to the developers. The log file will grow very quickly on a large site so use with caution only for a limited time
Pomoc testa natancnosti in ucinkovitosti Poizvedbe in analize - ta opcija omogoca dolge dokumente poizvedb in koncnih analiz. Omogoci funkcijo, ce si povabljen k zbiranju podatkov za razvijalce. Log datoteka bo rasla zelo hitro v veliko velikost, torej uporavite funkcijo le za doloocen cas. -
Namesti -
Poglej -
Vsebina -
Sistem -
Vsebina -
orig. total
orig. total
orig. skupaj -
# translations
# translations
# prevodov -
not valid
not valid
ne veljavni -
pogrešani -
No unpublished translations found
No unpublished translations found
Neobjavljeni prevodi niso najdeni -
Table %s does not exist
Table %s does not exist
Tabela %s ne obstaja