No unpublished translations found
No unpublished translations found
Neobjavljeni prevodi niso najdeni -
Table %s does not exist
Table %s does not exist
Tabela %s ne obstaja -
Cleanup Orphan Translations
Cleanup Orphan Translations
Pocisti nepopolne prevode -
Orphans Translations
Orphans Translations
Nepopolni prevodi -
<h3>The following content types have orphan translations</h3><p>Click in turn for details</p>
The following content types have orphan translations</h3><p>
Click in turn for details</p>
Naslednje vsebine vsebujejo nepopolne prevode</h3><p>
Klikni za vec informacij</p>
Upload XML File or achive
Upload XML File or achive
Naloži XML datoteko ali arhiv -
File name
File name
Ime datoteke -
File upload successful
File upload successful
Datoteka uspešno naložena -
File upload NOT successful
File upload NOT successful
Datoteka NI bila uspešno naložena -
Content element file "%s" sucessfully deleted
Content element file "%s" sucessfully deleted
Vsebinski element datoteke "%s" je bil uspešno izbrisan -
Upload File & Install
Upload File & Install
Naloži datoteko & Namesti -
Content Elments missing for table %s
Content Elments missing for table %s
Pogrešani vsebinski elementi za tabelo %s -
Overwriting global config value is currently disabled for this site. You must set this config value in the jfdatabase system mambot to enable it in the frontend
Overwriting global config value is currently disabled for this site. You must set this config value in the jfdatabase system mambot to enable it in the frontend
Prepis globalnih konfiguracijskih (config) vrednosti je za to stran onemogocen. Nastaviti je potrebnost konfiguracijske vredosti (config) v jfdatabase sistemu mambot, da se omogocijo v ospredju the frontend -
Site Name
Site Name
Ime strani -
Mail From
Mail From
Pošta od -
Email From Name
Email From Name
Email od ime -
Country Locale
Country Locale
Država lokalno -
Global Site Meta Description
Global Site Meta Description
Opis glavne strani -
Global Site Meta Keywords
Global Site Meta Keywords
Kljucne besede glavne strani -
Offline Message
Offline Message
Sporocilo nedosegljivosti (offline)
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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