翻譯 -
孤兒 -
Manage Translations
Manage Translations
管理翻譯 -
統計 -
Content Languages
Content Languages
語言設定 -
Content elements
Content elements
內容元素 -
Help & How To's
Help & How To's
說明文件與如何操作 -
名稱 -
作者 -
Manage Plugins
Manage Plugins
管理外掛 -
Welcome to Joom!Fish
Welcome to Joom!Fish
歡迎使用 Joom!Fish -
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
You are using the latest version of the mature multi-lingual extension for Joomla!. Many new features are integrated to make your sites performing better and give you full usage of the new Joomla! features.
你正在使用針對 Joomla! 設計之一個成熟的多語言延伸程式的最新版本。許多新的功能已被整合進來,好讓你的網站執行效果更優秀,並允許你使用到所有 Joomla! 的新功能。 -
<h4>The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
The Joom!Fish Club</h4>
Joom!Fish 俱樂部</h4>
- -
If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the <a href="" target="_blank">Joom!Fish Club</a> is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits. <b>The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
If you require professional support and enhanced solutions for your multilingual website the
<a href="" target="_blank">
Joom!Fish Club</a>
is what you are looking for. For a periodic subscription fee the Club membership grants you access to these benefits.<b>
The extension served you already for %s translations so far. This can be equal as a value of %s EUR (calculated by 0,10 EUR/translation) and this easily worth a membership, or?</b>
如果要給你的多語言網站專業支援與強化解決方案,<a href="" target="_blank">
Joom!Fish 俱樂部</a>
目前為止這個延伸套件已經為你服務了 %s 個翻譯。這可以相當於 %s 歐幣的價值(每則翻譯以 0.10 歐幣來計算),輕易地值回會員費。</b>
<h4>The Joom!Fish service</h4>
The Joom!Fish service</h4>
Joom!Fish 服務</h4>
The project provides various free services such as documentation, community forum and more on our website <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Check it out and join one of the growing international communities related multilingual websites.
The project provides various free services such as documentation, community forum and more on our website
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
. Check it out and join one of the growing international communities related multilingual websites.此專案提供各種免費服務,像是說明文件、社群論壇及其他在我們的網站<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
上的服務。請前去看看並加入快速成長的多語言相關之國際社群網站。 -
新聞 -
You are viewing the latest project news from the Joom!Fish. If you encounter problems with this module you might want to switch it off in the component configuration.
You are viewing the latest project news from the Joom!Fish. If you encounter problems with this module you might want to switch it off in the component configuration.
你正在閱讀從 Joom!Fish 來的最新專案消息。如果你在這個模組遭遇到問題,你可以在〔元件設置〕裡將它關閉。 -
Unpublished Content Elements
Unpublished Content Elements