Display the unpublished module on the Control Panel
Display the unpublished module on the Control Panel
在〔控制台〕中顯示[未發佈翻譯]模組 -
Display the state module on the Control Panel
Display the state module on the Control Panel
在〔控制台〕中顯示[狀態]模組 -
Copy original params to empty translation
Copy original params to empty translation
複製原始參數到空白翻譯 -
Copy the original parameters to the empty translation
Copy the original parameters to the empty translation
複製原始參數到空白翻譯 -
Enable translation caching
Enable translation caching
啟用翻譯快取 -
Enable translation caching
Enable translation caching
啟用翻譯快取 -
Cache life in minutes
Cache life in minutes
快取壽命(以分鐘計算) -
Cache life in minutes
Cache life in minutes
快取壽命(以分鐘計算) -
Enable query analysis caching
Enable query analysis caching
啟用查詢分析快取 -
Component Admin Interface Language
Component Admin Interface Language
元件管理介面語言 -
排序 -
設置 -
替代 -
Your language configuration is saved
Your language configuration is saved
你的語言設置已被儲存 -
An error occured while saving your languages.
An error occured while saving your languages.
儲存你的語言時發生了一個錯誤 -
Translate Configuration
Translate Configuration
翻譯設置 -
欄位 -
Joomfish Configuration
Joomfish Configuration
Joomfish 設置 -
Translation successfully deleted
Translation successfully deleted
翻譯已被成功地刪除 -
Content Element Installer
Content Element Installer
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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