# translations
# translations
翻譯總數 -
not valid
not valid
無效的 -
缺少 -
No unpublished translations found
No unpublished translations found
沒有找到未發佈的翻譯 -
Table %s does not exist
Table %s does not exist
資料表 %s 不存在 -
Cleanup Orphan Translations
Cleanup Orphan Translations
清除孤兒翻譯 -
Orphans Translations
Orphans Translations
孤兒翻譯 -
<h3>The following content types have orphan translations</h3><p>Click in turn for details</p>
The following content types have orphan translations</h3><p>
Click in turn for details</p>
Upload XML File or achive
Upload XML File or achive
上傳 XML 檔案或封存檔 -
File name
File name
檔案名稱 -
File upload successful
File upload successful
檔案上傳成功 -
File upload NOT successful
File upload NOT successful
檔案上傳失敗 -
Content element file "%s" sucessfully deleted
Content element file "%s" sucessfully deleted
內容元素檔案 %s 已成功地刪除了 -
Upload File & Install
Upload File & Install
上傳檔案並安裝 -
Content Elments missing for table %s
Content Elments missing for table %s
缺少資料表 %s 的內容元素 -
Overwriting global config value is currently disabled for this site. You must set this config value in the jfdatabase system mambot to enable it in the frontend
Overwriting global config value is currently disabled for this site. You must set this config value in the jfdatabase system mambot to enable it in the frontend
取代全站設定值的功能目前在本站是關閉的。你必須在 jfdatabase 系統外掛程式中設定此設定值,才會在前台開啟這個功能。 -
Site Name
Site Name
網站名稱 -
Mail From
Mail From
寄件者位址 -
Email From Name
Email From Name
寄件者名稱 -
Country Locale
Country Locale
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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