<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_SUPPORT');?>
Managing website content is made really easy using Joomla! CMS. Adding an other language however can increase the complexity quite a lot.
<br />
We highly recommend that you plan your website structure in one language first before you start translating the information. Also plan the translation as
sometimes you will encounter strange behavior of your site if you changed something in your original but did not updated the translation accordingly. -
<a href="" target="_blank">
community support forum</a>
is a great source and free of charge knowledgebase
for you. You will find a lot of information related multilingual websites, localization and more. -
Additionally we provide extended support for this extension that is based on various support and service plans. These plans are availble in our
a href="" target="_blank"Joom!Fish club area and give you
additional support during your installation and extended service period. -
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_VIDEOPREVIEW');?>
<?php echo JText::_('JF_SPLASH_VIDEO_DOCUMENTATION_DESC');?><br />
<a href="" target="_blank"><?php echo JText::_('JF_FIND_OUT_MORE')?></a>
Joom!Fish development status
This release is a stable release for the Joomla 1.5.x code base. It is backward compatible with all Joom!Fish 2.x releases and provides an upgrade skript for the database changes.
The version is not yet compatible with Joomla 1.6.x from the code point of view. We already adapted the database structure and information so that your
migration will be easier. One of the next releases will support 1.6 from it's feature version and we will work hard to release it soon after the final release of Joomla.
Det finnes ingen tilgjengelig oversettelse.
Det finnes ingen tilgjengelig oversettelse.
There are no translations available. -
Det finnes ingen tilgjengelig oversettelse, vennligst velg et annet språk.
Det finnes ingen tilgjengelig oversettelse, vennligst velg et annet språk.
There is no translation available, please select a different language. -
Dette innholdet har ikke blitt oversatt.
Dette innholdet har ikke blitt oversatt.
This content has not been translated. -
Behandling av manglende oversettelser
Behandling av manglende oversettelser
Joom!Fish missing translation handler -
Tillta søk etter oversettelser for nettlenkeinformasjon
Tillta søk etter oversettelser for nettlenkeinformasjon
Allows Searching of translations of Weblink information -
Search Limit -
Bare i aktivt språk
Bare i aktivt språk
Active language only -
Antall søkeresultater som skal vises
Antall søkeresultater som skal vises
Number of search items to return -
Søk bare i aktivt språk?
Søk bare i aktivt språk?
Search only within active language? -
Tillat søk etter oversettelser for informasjon for innholdsseksjoner
Tillat søk etter oversettelser for informasjon for innholdsseksjoner
Allows Searching of translations of Content Section information -
Search Limit
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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