To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your buddy.
JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.
Az azonosításhoz adjon meg egy titkot, amelyet csak Ön és Partnere ismerhetnek.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your buddy.To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your buddy.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your buddy.To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your buddy.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your buddy.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.
To authenticate, pick a secret known only to you and your contact.
Az azonosításhoz adjon meg egy titkot, amelyet csak Ön és Partnere ismerhetnek.Az azonosításhoz adjon meg egy titkot, amelyet csak Ön és Partnere ismerhetnek.
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