Discussion started , with a comment.
  1. Toon Dutch, Netherlands Translator with no proofreading rights

    original :
    Allows to send files to group chats and enables your contact to receive a transferred file on all his devices.

    alternative : a group are more persons
    Sending files to group chats enables your contacts to receive files on all there devices.

  2. Klaus Herberth German Translator with all proofreading rights

    There are two advantages: First http upload allows you to send files to groups and second allows people to get a file on all there devices. Therefore I think the original statement is more accurate.


  1. Allows to send files to group chats and enables your contact to receive a transferred file on all his devices.
    Allows to send files to group chats and enables your contact to receive a transferred file on all his devices.

    Allows to send files to group chats and enables your contact to receive a transferred file on all his devices.

    changed by Klaus Herberth .
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  2. Bestanden naar groepsgespreken verzenden geeft je contacten de mogelijkheid bestanden op al zijn apparaten te ontvangen.
    Bestanden naar groepsgespreken verzenden geeft je contacten de mogelijkheid bestanden op al zijn apparaten te ontvangen.
    changed by Toon .
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  3. Bestanden naar groepsgespreken verzenden toestaan geeft je contacten de mogelijkheid bestanden op al hun apparaten te ontvangen.
    Bestanden naar groepsgespreken verzenden toestaan geeft je contacten de mogelijkheid bestanden op al hun apparaten te ontvangen.
    changed by Toon .
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