One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
Die eine war Carmen (Kampfname) und die andere Vera, sie kam aus Jugoslawien.
One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
Die eine war Carmen (Kampfname) und die andere Vera, sie kam aus Jugoslawien.Die eine war Carmen (Kampfname) und die andere Vera, sie kam aus Jugoslawien.
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