Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour.
Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour.
Fernando Cavazzini è nato a Reggio Emilia il 23 settembre 1923. Il 25 luglio ’43 partecipa a delle manifestazioni in piazza a Reggio Emilia, per chiedere la pace e per festeggiare la fine del Fascismo. Da qui inizia la sua attività antifascista. All'indomani dell'8 settembre 1943 aiuta i soldati portando loro dei vestiti borghesi e aiutandoli a fuggire. Successivamente diventa partigiano e parte per la montagna, entra a far parte così della 26° Brigata Garibaldi »Enzo Bagnoli« con il nome di »Tony«. Ha partecipato alla battaglia di Cerré Sologno, nell'Appennino Reggiano, uno dei più importanti scontri a fuoco fra fascisti, tedeschi e partigiani della montagna. In seguito diventa capo di una squadra volante di sabotatori denominata »Demonio« che ha l'ordine di minare e far saltare ponti in tutta la provincia di Reggio Emilia. E’ stato decorato con la Medaglia di Bronzo al Valor militare nel dopoguerra.
Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour.Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour.
Fernando Cavazzini è nato a Reggio Emilia il 23 settembre 1923. Il 25 luglio ’43 partecipa a delle manifestazioni in piazza a Reggio Emilia, per chiedere la pace e per festeggiare la fine del Fascismo. Da qui inizia la sua attività antifascista. All'indomani dell'8 settembre 1943 aiuta i soldati portando loro dei vestiti borghesi e aiutandoli a fuggire. Successivamente diventa partigiano e parte per la montagna, entra a far parte così della 26° Brigata Garibaldi »Enzo Bagnoli« con il nome di »Tony«. Ha partecipato alla battaglia di Cerré Sologno, nell'Appennino Reggiano, uno dei più importanti scontri a fuoco fra fascisti, tedeschi e partigiani della montagna. In seguito diventa capo di una squadra volante di sabotatori denominata »Demonio« che ha l'ordine di minare e far saltare ponti in tutta la provincia di Reggio Emilia. E’ stato decorato con la Medaglia di Bronzo al Valor militare nel dopoguerra.Fernando Cavazzini è nato a Reggio Emilia il 23 settembre 1923. Il 25 luglio ’43 partecipa a delle manifestazioni in piazza a Reggio Emilia, per chiedere la pace e per festeggiare la fine del Fascismo. Da qui inizia la sua attività antifascista. All'indomani dell'8 settembre 1943 aiuta i soldati portando loro dei vestiti borghesi e aiutandoli a fuggire. Successivamente diventa partigiano e parte per la montagna, entra a far parte così della 26° Brigata Garibaldi »Enzo Bagnoli« con il nome di »Tony«. Ha partecipato alla battaglia di Cerré Sologno, nell'Appennino Reggiano, uno dei più importanti scontri a fuoco fra fascisti, tedeschi e partigiani della montagna. In seguito diventa capo di una squadra volante di sabotatori denominata »Demonio« che ha l'ordine di minare e far saltare ponti in tutta la provincia di Reggio Emilia. E’ stato decorato con la Medaglia di Bronzo al Valor militare nel dopoguerra.