European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)


  1. Anita Malavasi, Quattro Castella 21 May 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 November 2011. She began supporting the partisan struggle after the 8th of September 1943. From the spring of 1944 she operated as a dispatch rider, transporting weapons from the city to the mountains. Her battle name was »Laila«. She then joined the 144th Garibaldi Brigade »Antonio Gramsci«, taking part in the armed struggle in the Reggio area of the Appennini mountains from 2 January 1945 until the Liberation. In that period she was also one of the few women appointed Detachment Commanding Officer, while at the end of the war she was finally appointed Sergeant-Major.
    Anita Malavasi, Quattro Castella 21 May 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 November 2011. She began supporting the partisan struggle after the 8th of September 1943. From the spring of 1944 she operated as a dispatch rider, transporting weapons from the city to the mountains. Her battle name was »Laila«. She then joined the 144th Garibaldi Brigade »Antonio Gramsci«, taking part in the armed struggle in the Reggio area of the Appennini mountains from 2 January 1945 until the Liberation. In that period she was also one of the few women appointed Detachment Commanding Officer, while at the end of the war she was finally appointed Sergeant-Major.

    Anita Malavasi, Quattro Castella 21 May 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 November 2011. She began supporting the partisan struggle after the 8th of September 1943. From the spring of 1944 she operated as a dispatch rider, transporting weapons from the city to the mountains. Her battle name was »Laila«. She then joined the 144th Garibaldi Brigade »Antonio Gramsci«, taking part in the armed struggle in the Reggio area of the Appennini mountains from 2 January 1945 until the Liberation. In that period she was also one of the few women appointed Detachment Commanding Officer, while at the end of the war she was finally appointed Sergeant-Major.

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  2. Annita Malavasi, Quattro Castellal 21 maggio 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 novembre 2011. Dopo l’8 settembre del ’43 contribuisce alla lotta partigiana. Nella primavera del ’44 inizia l’attività di staffetta nella clandestinità: trasporta armi dalla città alla montagna e utilizza come nome di battaglia quello di “Laila”. Entra a far parte della 144° Brigata Garibaldi »Antonio Gramsci«: dal 2 gennaio del 1945 alla Liberazione è protagonista della lotta armata nell’Appennino reggiano. In seguito è una delle poche donne che divengono comandanti di Distaccamento (dal 2.1 al 25.4.1945). Sarà smobilitata con il grado di Sergente Maggiore.
    Annita Malavasi, Quattro Castellal 21 maggio 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 novembre 2011. Dopo l8 settembre del43 contribuisce alla lotta partigiana. Nella primavera del44 inizia lattività di staffetta nella clandestinità: trasporta armi dalla città alla montagna e utilizza come nome di battaglia quello diLaila”. Entra a far parte della 144° Brigata Garibaldi »Antonio Gramsci«: dal 2 gennaio del 1945 alla Liberazione è protagonista della lotta armata nellAppennino reggiano. In seguito è una delle poche donne che divengono comandanti di Distaccamento (dal 2.1 al 25.4.1945). Sarà smobilitata con il grado di Sergente Maggiore.
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