European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)


  1. where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.
    where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.

    where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.

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  2. where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.
    where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.
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    changed via the API .
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  4. dove c'erano le imboscate e gli avamposti. Ho spesso pensato che queste azioni fossero pericolose o semplicemente troppo faticose.
    dove c'erano le imboscate e gli avamposti. Ho spesso pensato che queste azioni fossero pericolose o semplicemente troppo faticose.
    changed by Salvatore Trapani .
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