He handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fire
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
He handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fire
He handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fire
Gli porse una lettera. C'era scritto su quella lettera che in quel giorno la nostra artiglieria avrebbe dovuto sparare
He handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fireHe handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fire
He handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fireHe handed him a letter. It was written in the letter that on such and such a day our artillery was to fire
Gli porse una letter. C'era scritto su quella lettera che in quel giorno la nostra artiglieria avrebbe dovuto sparareGli porse una letter. C'era scritto su quella lettera che in quel giorno la nostra artiglieria avrebbe dovuto sparare
Gli porse una lettera. C'era scritto su quella lettera che in quel giorno la nostra artiglieria avrebbe dovuto sparareGli porse una lettera. C'era scritto su quella lettera che in quel giorno la nostra artiglieria avrebbe dovuto sparare
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