Later I was with the sabotage units. We blew up bridges and telephone masts.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Later I was with the sabotage units. We blew up bridges and telephone masts.
Later I was with the sabotage units. We blew up bridges and telephone masts.
Dopo ero alle unità sabotatori. Abbiamo fatto saltare in aria ponti e tralicci telefonici.
Later I was with the sabotage units. We blew up bridges and telephone masts.Later I was with the sabotage units. We blew up bridges and telephone masts.
Later I was with the sabotage units. We blew up bridges and telephone masts.Later I was with the sabotage units. We blew up bridges and telephone masts.
Dopo ero alle unità sabotatori. Abbiamo fatto saltare in aria ponti e tralicci telefonici.Dopo ero alle unità sabotatori. Abbiamo fatto saltare in aria ponti e tralicci telefonici.
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