We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence.
We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence.
Sparammo in aria e non mai colpimmo nessuno, se non in caso di legittima difesa.
We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence.We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence.
We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence.We would shoot into the air, we would never shoot anybody, except in self defence.
Sparammo in aria e non mai colpimmo nessuno, se non in caso di resistenza, che è ben diverso.Sparammo in aria e non mai colpimmo nessuno, se non in caso di resistenza, che è ben diverso.
Sparammo in aria e non mai colpimmo nessuno, se non in caso di legittima difesa.Sparammo in aria e non mai colpimmo nessuno, se non in caso di legittima difesa.
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