European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)


  1. After all my sisters were there, my mother stayed in Warsaw too, and my grandma as well.
    After all my sisters were there, my mother stayed in Warsaw too, and my grandma as well.

    After all my sisters were there, my mother stayed in Warsaw too, and my grandma as well.

    changed via the API .
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  2. After all my sisters were there, my mother stayed in Warsaw too, and my grandma as well.
    After all my sisters were there, my mother stayed in Warsaw too, and my grandma as well.
    changed via the API .
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    changed via the API .
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  4. Del resto le mie sorelle erano lì, mia madre era rimasta a Varsavia e mia nonna anche.
    Del resto le mie sorelle erano , mia madre era rimasta a Varsavia e mia nonna anche.
    changed by Dzvina .
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