European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
We didn’t even have dinner because we had marched for a long time to make it to Santonio.
We didn’t even have dinner because we had marched for a long time to make it to Santonio.
Non avevamo neanche cenato perchè avevamo già fatto una lunga marcia per arrivare a Santonio. -
We didn’t stop.
We didn’t stop.
E di lì non ci siamo neanche fermati. -
Half way between Santonio and Ligonchio, in Cerrè Sologno,
Half way between Santonio and Ligonchio, in Cerrè Sologno,
Ci han fatto incolonnare con gli altri e a metà percorso, fra, diciamo, Santonio e Ligonchio eravamo a Cerré Sologno, -
at seven in the morning, we couldn’t move any further during the day
at seven in the morning, we couldn’t move any further during the day
a metà percorso, erano le 7 del mattino, non potevamo noi andare avanti e indietro di giorno -
because the German reconnaissance airplanes were flying over the area and would have spotted us.
because the German reconnaissance airplanes were flying over the area and would have spotted us.
che passavano gli aerei tedeschi di ricognizione, ci avrebbero individuato. -
So we stopped in Cerrè to rest, planning to get moving again in the evening and reach Ligonchio.
So we stopped in Cerrè to rest, planning to get moving again in the evening and reach Ligonchio.
E ci siamo fermati a Cerré a riposarci, “poi riprenderemo domani sera e andremo poi a Ligonchio”. -
At eight one of our sentinels fired a shot and the Germans were there.
At eight one of our sentinels fired a shot and the Germans were there.
Erano le 7 del mattino se non che alle 8 circa una nostra sentinella ha sparato e lì c’erano i tedeschi. -
We were at south east, taking control of the first houses.
We were at south east, taking control of the first houses.
Noi eravamo per esempio… avevamo il sud-est, insomma avevamo occupato le prime case. -
The Germans were coming from the west, and lined up to the west and north.
The Germans were coming from the west, and lined up to the west and north.
I tedeschi venivano da ovest, si sono schierati da ovest e nord, i tedeschi. -
In some cases fascists, Germans and partisans were mixed up in the same house.
In some cases fascists, Germans and partisans were mixed up in the same house.
Però ci sono stati dei casi che si sono mescolati fascisti e tedeschi e partigiani nella stessa casa. -
I remember this partisan who was in a house when the door opened and in came a German.
I remember this partisan who was in a house when the door opened and in came a German.
Mi ricordo che c’era un partigiano che era in una casa, e fuori hanno aperto la porta ed è arrivato un tedesco col fucile, -
They were both aiming their gun at each other, until the German walked back without shooting.
They were both aiming their gun at each other, until the German walked back without shooting.
e tutti e due avevano il fucile puntato, poi il tedesco si è ritirato senza sparare perchè se qualcuno sparava -
If he had, they both would have died.
If he had, they both would have died.
morivano poi tutti e due, ed è uscito così… per dire come è successo. -
Then what happened?
Then what happened?
Allora cos’è successo… -
The battle had started 15-20 minutes before and our commander Miro was hurt badly.
The battle had started 15-20 minutes before and our commander Miro was hurt badly.
lì è cominciata la battaglia poi dopo un quarto d’ora, 20 minuti è rimasto ferito gravemente il nostro comandante, -
Barbolini too, who was the commander of those from Modena.
Barbolini too, who was the commander of those from Modena.
Miro dei reggiani e Barbolini che era il comandante dei modenesi. -
After that Eros took charge.
After that Eros took charge.
Dopo siamo rimasti lì, il comando l’ha preso in mano Eros – -
But one of the machine guns we had, the French St.Etienne, had the wrong ammunition.
But one of the machine guns we had, the French St.Etienne, had the wrong ammunition.
solo che le mitragliatrici che avevamo, la St. Etienne francese, la munizione era sbagliata: -
It didn’t fire one shot.
It didn’t fire one shot.
non ha sparato un colpo. -
The other one, a Breda, worked properly,
The other one, a Breda, worked properly,
L’ altra mitragliatrice, che era una Breda, lì andava bene