European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
My brothers only attended school until the third grade, which was all that Marola offered.
My brothers only attended school until the third grade, which was all that Marola offered.
Non... nessun titolo, hanno fatto solo la terza elementare perché a Marola c’era solo quella lì -
I was the only one who went on to the fifth grade, but in order to do so I had to go to Carpineti.
I was the only one who went on to the fifth grade, but in order to do so I had to go to Carpineti.
e per dare l’esame di quinta io sono andata a Carpineti, solo io l’ho fatto. -
We stayed at home; my brothers worked occasionally, often as farm-hands for other families.
We stayed at home; my brothers worked occasionally, often as farm-hands for other families.
Siamo stati a casa, i miei fratelli andavano a lavorare così dove capitava o anche per garzoni nelle famiglie. -
My older brother worked as a bricklayer in the seminary for ten years, before he was drafted into the army when he was 20.
My older brother worked as a bricklayer in the seminary for ten years, before he was drafted into the army when he was 20.
Mio fratello più vecchio invece quello ha lavorato 10 anni in seminario come manovale da muratore, dopo a 20 anni è andato militare. -
My father worked whenever he could find work.
My father worked whenever he could find work.
E mio padre così... quando poteva faceva un po’ di lavoro, -
He only had a regular job in the summer, when he left for almost two months to go thresh the fields.
He only had a regular job in the summer, when he left for almost two months to go thresh the fields.
d’estate lui aveva un lavoro fisso diciamo per due mesi andava a trebbiare con quelle macchine da trebbiare il frumento e allora stavano via molto, -
You can still see those machines around the villages during the threshing season,
You can still see those machines around the villages during the threshing season,
stavano via quasi due mesi a lavorare. Con il lavoro che teneva mio padre perché era bravo a tenere a queste macchine -
and he was very good with them, so they would go work for almost two months.
and he was very good with them, so they would go work for almost two months.
che adesso poi si vedono nei paesi le macchine che vengono a fare ancora la trebbiatura. -
My father worked for this family every summer for 42 years,
My father worked for this family every summer for 42 years,
Mio padre d’estate lavorava sempre con questa famiglia, per 42 anni ha lavorato per questa famiglia. -
and that was the only regular salary throughout the year.
and that was the only regular salary throughout the year.
L’unico stipendio che c’era sempre era quello lì di tutto l’anno, -
At times he would also manage to work for a couple of weeks, once or twice a year.
At times he would also manage to work for a couple of weeks, once or twice a year.
il resto ci facevano fare quindici giorni, ma una volta o due all’anno e basta. -
We were doing fine because my mother worked as a dressmaker and was able to earn a little money.
We were doing fine because my mother worked as a dressmaker and was able to earn a little money.
Noi stavamo ancora bene perché mia madre faceva la sarta, un po’ di soldini se li guadagnava -
She was very good at her job and worked for a family who paid her well.
She was very good at her job and worked for a family who paid her well.
ed era molto molto brava e lavorava per questi signori che un po’ di soldi ce li davano. -
Nevertheless, we were nine in our family, so my brothers went to work as soon as they could.
Nevertheless, we were nine in our family, so my brothers went to work as soon as they could.
Ma la famiglia eravamo in nove. Poi... dopo i miei fratelli sono andati subito tutti a lavorare. -
My sister was ten when she left home and went to work in Parma for a lady who was living alone.
My sister was ten when she left home and went to work in Parma for a lady who was living alone.
Mia sorella è andata a 10 anni a Parma con questa signora, una signora che era da sola, a 10 anni era già via da casa. -
I went to Switzerland and worked there with a family for ten years.
I went to Switzerland and worked there with a family for ten years.
Io sono andata in Svizzera, sono stata dieci anni in una casa. -
I was the one who had to wake up my master at two in the morning, knocking on the door and shouting, “It’s two o’ clock”.
I was the one who had to wake up my master at two in the morning, knocking on the door and shouting, “It’s two o’ clock”.
Io mi sono presa la responsabilità che alle due, andavo a letto all’una e alle due andavo a chiamare il mio padrone, dovevo bussare alla porta e dire: “Sono le due”. -
I was 19 or 20 years old then. He trusted me; he would go to bed at ten but had to get up to go work at the bakery.
I was 19 or 20 years old then. He trusted me; he would go to bed at ten but had to get up to go work at the bakery.
Lui si fidava, che io avevo 20 anni neanche, 19-20 anni, si fidava di me di andarlo a chiamare, perché lui andava a letto alle dieci, magari è... non diceva a sua moglie “vienimi a chiamare” -
So I would go to bed at one and then get up to wake him up at two. He didn’t ask his wife to do it.
So I would go to bed at one and then get up to wake him up at two. He didn’t ask his wife to do it.
perché sua moglie magari... io andavo a bussare perché lui andava a lavorare nel forno. -
Then my master died, and I was left there with three children, his wife who was ill, the restaurant, the bakery and other things.
Then my master died, and I was left there with three children, his wife who was ill, the restaurant, the bakery and other things.
Poi è morto il padrone, mi è rimasto tre bambini con la signora malata, un ristorante e il forno e tutte quelle cose lì.