European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
They had run away there because the Germans were looking for them.
They had run away there because the Germans were looking for them.
Erano scappati là, perché con i tedeschi di dietro sono dovuti andare. -
She would always walk behind the rest of the group because she would take care of the wounded.
She would always walk behind the rest of the group because she would take care of the wounded.
E lei era sempre più indietro perché lei aveva questo ferito da portarsi a dietro -
She wouldn’t carry them, there were others who would help her, but they didn’t have vehicles or horses, nothing at all,
She wouldn’t carry them, there were others who would help her, but they didn’t have vehicles or horses, nothing at all,
ma non so se lo portava lei, c’era chi li aiutava ma erano sempre gente senza mezzi, senza un cavallo, senza niente insomma, -
so they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had one.
so they would often improvise a stretcher – they called it a ladder – and put a cloth over it, if they had one.
allora si improvvisava delle barelle, delle specie di barelle e li portavano così, degli scaletti, come si dice... delle scale, quattro uomini e li portavano così, -
That’s how four men would carry the wounded.
That’s how four men would carry the wounded.
mettevano un panno se ce lo avevano, una persona sopra e via. -
Brother at war
Brother at war
Un fratello in guerra -
My oldest brother had already left for the war in 1939.
My oldest brother had already left for the war in 1939.
Sì l’inizio della guerra sì, perché già mio fratello era andato via, il più vecchio, è andato via nel ’39 -
I was looking at some postcards the other night, and the first were sent in 1939 from Albania.
I was looking at some postcards the other night, and the first were sent in 1939 from Albania.
ed erano già in Albania, perché l’altra sera mentre guardavo le cartoline, guardavo e nel ’39, i primi del ’39, era già in Albania. -
He was in the Julia Alpini Brigade and had been in Udine for a while,
He was in the Julia Alpini Brigade and had been in Udine for a while,
Dopo aveva già fatto il militare a Udine perché era negli Alpini della Julia, aveva già fatto il militare come alpino, -
before he was sent to Albania and then to Greece and Russia.
before he was sent to Albania and then to Greece and Russia.
poi dopo quando hanno... si vede che era già scoppiata anche la guerra dell’Albania, li hanno mandati là e da là poi ha fatto l’Albania, la Grecia e la Russia. -
It was really rough for my brother, poor guy!
It was really rough for my brother, poor guy!
Di questo mio fratello che era tornato... -
He was sent to Albania, then to Greece and finally to Russia. When he came back from Russia he was ill.
He was sent to Albania, then to Greece and finally to Russia. When he came back from Russia he was ill.
beh è tanto lunga la storia di mio fratello poverino perché è stato prima in Albania, in Grecia e poi in Russia e dalla Russia è tornato ammalato, -
Actually, they thought he was dead. They were picking up bodies from the Don
Actually, they thought he was dead. They were picking up bodies from the Don
anzi credevano che era morto no, mentre tiravano su i morti là nel Don -
and they thought he was dead, but he was only frostbitten and suffering.
and they thought he was dead, but he was only frostbitten and suffering.
e lui non era morto era assiderato e stava male, ma non era morto. -
I guess they slowly revived him and managed to bring him back to Italy, to Rimini.
I guess they slowly revived him and managed to bring him back to Italy, to Rimini.
Dopo si vede che pian piano l’hanno rifocillato e dopo sono riusciti poi a portarlo a Rimini. -
They kept him there for three months and we never even went to visit him,
They kept him there for three months and we never even went to visit him,
E dopo l’hanno tenuto a Rimini tre mesi che purtroppo non siamo andati nessuno a trovarlo, -
because there was no way for us to get there.
because there was no way for us to get there.
perché allora non c’erano... non c’era la possibilità di andare, non c’era viaggi, non c’era mezzi di niente. -
I did go to Milan by foot, but Rimini seemed really too far.
I did go to Milan by foot, but Rimini seemed really too far.
Io a Milano sono andata a piedi ma andare a Rimini secondo me mi sembrava troppo lontano. -
Fortunately, my father was at home during the war.
Fortunately, my father was at home during the war.
Mio padre era a casa durante la guerra. Eh, fortunatamente era a casa e... -
He would check to see if there were Germans around in order to tell the partisans.
He would check to see if there were Germans around in order to tell the partisans.
lui non ha fatto niente, lui stava, lui andava a vedere quando se c’erano dei tedeschi, uno stava attento ai partigiani,