European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
The Germans could not use armoured vehicles and tanks around the mountains,
The Germans could not use armoured vehicles and tanks around the mountains,
Siccome in montagna vicino alle colline tutti i ponti erano stati fatti saltare con l’esplosivo, -
as we had blown up all the bridges.
as we had blown up all the bridges.
allora i tedeschi non andavano più con l’autoblindo, -
So they didn’t succeed when they repeatedly tried to surround the mountains.
So they didn’t succeed when they repeatedly tried to surround the mountains.
con i carriarmati, hanno tentato diverse volte di circondare la montagna ma non ci sono mai riusciti per questo fatto. -
Then they set up the Mongolian cavalry unit.
Then they set up the Mongolian cavalry unit.
E allora avevano organizzato la cavalleria dei Mongoli, -
It was made up of soldiers who came from the south of the Soviet Union.
It was made up of soldiers who came from the south of the Soviet Union.
prigionieri con i cavalli e avevamo saputo, avevamo sentito dello spostamento dalla bassa reggiana a venir su per tentare di circondare le colline -
We heard they were moving uphill from the lowlands trying to surround the area.
We heard they were moving uphill from the lowlands trying to surround the area.
della montagna. La strada che va dalla chiesa di Rivalta andando su e sapendo -
We knew they would come by the road that begins by the church of Rivalta.
We knew they would come by the road that begins by the church of Rivalta.
che venivano da quella strada abbiamo messo le mine in tutta la strada. -
We mined the whole road. You probably know how antitank mines work. We saw horses blown up in the air…
We mined the whole road. You probably know how antitank mines work. We saw horses blown up in the air…
Infatti abbiamo visto i cavalli volare per aria... eh perché le mine anticarro... -
Fossoli: Russian prisoners liberated
Fossoli: Russian prisoners liberated
Fossoli: liberati prigionieri russi -
The Germans had taken 250-300 Russian prisoners to a camp in Fossoli.
The Germans had taken 250-300 Russian prisoners to a camp in Fossoli.
A Fossoli, c’erano tutti i russi, i tedeschi li avevano portati lì, erano più di 250-300 -
Together with the GAPs and the partisans from Modena
Together with the GAPs and the partisans from Modena
e li abbiamo, con i GAP e i partigiani di Modena, -
we surrounded the camp and took all the Russians to the mountains.
we surrounded the camp and took all the Russians to the mountains.
li abbiamo circondati e li abbiamo portati via in massa su in montagna. -
The central headquarters then took care of the rest, talking with the three Russian officers.
The central headquarters then took care of the rest, talking with the three Russian officers.
Dopo ci ha pensato il comando piazza, hanno fermato i tre ufficiali, c’erano i tre ufficiali -
One of them later became a partisan choosing Modena as his battle name.
One of them later became a partisan choosing Modena as his battle name.
di cui poi uno era diventato Modena nome di battaglia. -
Afterwards we had a major problem in the lowlands around Reggio.
Afterwards we had a major problem in the lowlands around Reggio.
La bassa reggiana ha avuto anche un guaio perché uno di quei russi -
One of the Russians we had taken to the mountains escaped and joined the Black Brigades.
One of the Russians we had taken to the mountains escaped and joined the Black Brigades.
che è stato preso là nel campo di Fossoli era scappato dalla montagna ed era andato a finire nella brigata nera -
He knew the lowlands, since he had spent some time working in some houses there.
He knew the lowlands, since he had spent some time working in some houses there.
e siccome lui conosceva nella bassa reggiana ... era stato ospite di case come partigiano a lavorare -
He began to point out the houses to the Black Brigades, who set them on fire.
He began to point out the houses to the Black Brigades, who set them on fire.
è entrato nella brigata nera e ci andava ad indicare le case dove era stato e le hanno bruciate tutte. -
Since he would come to Reggio, two of our women dispatch riders convinced him
Since he would come to Reggio, two of our women dispatch riders convinced him
Dopo lui siccome veniva a Reggio qua al comando due staffette nostre sono riuscite a portarlo fuori una sera -
to go out one night, promising him “a very good time”.
to go out one night, promising him “a very good time”.
promettendogli l’impossibile e...