European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Our old men even carried them on the crossbar of their bicycles for a while,
Our old men even carried them on the crossbar of their bicycles for a while,
E addirittura gli uomini, i nostri uomini anziani, con le biciclette, li mettevano sulla canna e cercavano di portarli (perché andavano a piedi, poveretti), -
so that they could rest a little and stay out of trouble.
so that they could rest a little and stay out of trouble.
li cercavano di portare per un periodo di strada, per un percorso di strada che potessero almeno riposarsi ed essere fuori dai pericoli. -
You realize immediately that it’s something terrible.
You realize immediately that it’s something terrible.
Ti trovi di fronte a questa realtà che ti colpisce immediatamente... ti rendi conto che veramente è una cosa orrenda, -
That the antifascists were right in what they were saying.
That the antifascists were right in what they were saying.
è qualche cosa di terribile che ti colpisce e ti rendi conto quanto sia valido ciò che ti hanno detto gli antifascisti. -
Still, until then, we hadn’t been helping people for political reasons.
Still, until then, we hadn’t been helping people for political reasons.
Perché fino a quel momento, come dire, non era la ragione politica che ci portava a salvare i ragazzi, ecc... -
We were rather doing it for humanitarian principles: as a woman, you saved another woman’s son,
We were rather doing it for humanitarian principles: as a woman, you saved another woman’s son,
era più l’umanità, capisci? Tu donna salvi il figlio di un’altra donna, era questo che ci spingeva -
that’s what got us to face danger, too.
that’s what got us to face danger, too.
anche a incorrere in fatti pericolosi; -
From that moment, however, I realized that it had to be something conscious.
From that moment, however, I realized that it had to be something conscious.
ma da quel momento ti rendi conto che deve essere qualche cosa di consapevole... -
I never pulled myself out anymore in regards to all the things I was asked to do.
I never pulled myself out anymore in regards to all the things I was asked to do.
per cui io non mi sono più ritirata nei confronti di tutte le cose che mi chiedevano di fare. -
Growing up during Fascism
Growing up during Fascism
Infanzia e gioventú nel Fascismo -
The fascist regime didn’t even spare us children.
The fascist regime didn’t even spare us children.
Questo dominio fascista non risparmiava nemmeno noi bambini. -
Our school organized a contest for the best drawing.
Our school organized a contest for the best drawing.
Ecco la scuola fa un concorso: il più bel disegno. -
I was good, I was really good at drawing.
I was good, I was really good at drawing.
Io sono brava, in disegno ero veramente brava. -
And look at the irony of fate: I drew a very nice sheaf with a beautiful laurel wreath.
And look at the irony of fate: I drew a very nice sheaf with a beautiful laurel wreath.
E poi guarda ironia della sorte, avevo fatto un bel fascio con una bella corona di alloro attorno. -
To paint it, I mean, to color it with crayons if you don't have the hand for it... I mean, if you're not careful, it won't turn out well...
To paint it, I mean, to color it with crayons if you don't have the hand for it... I mean, if you're not careful, it won't turn out well...
Dipingerlo, cioè colorarlo con i pastelli se non hai la mano abbastanza... cioè se non stai attenta non viene un bel lavoro; -
but actually it turned out to be very beautiful
but actually it turned out to be very beautiful
invece la cosa era diventata veramente bella -
and it was selected as the best drawing of our elementary school in Castelnovo di Sotto.
and it was selected as the best drawing of our elementary school in Castelnovo di Sotto.
per cui fu valutato il più bel disegno delle scuole elementari di Castelnovo di Sotto; -
We were called to the Ausoni theatre for the award ceremony.
We were called to the Ausoni theatre for the award ceremony.
ci chiamano al teatro Ausoni, allora c’era per il premio... -
The podestà was supposed to come hand out the prizes.
The podestà was supposed to come hand out the prizes.
il podestà avrebbe dovuto venire a premiarci; -
They were present, since the entire fascist heirarchy was present at every event, giving out awards to the children...
They were present, since the entire fascist heirarchy was present at every event, giving out awards to the children...
c’era presente, perché in tutte le iniziative era sempre presente tutta la gerarchia dei fascisti, premiano i bambini...