European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
and there I got half a litre of milk soup and a bread roll.
and there I got half a litre of milk soup and a bread roll.
e ricevevo mezzo litro di zuppa di latte e un panino. -
You have to see that this was 1920/21, where a lot of problems occurred in this post-war period.
You have to see that this was 1920/21, where a lot of problems occurred in this post-war period.
Dobbiamo ricordare che era il 1920/21. La guerra era finita ma c'erano ancora molti problemi. -
Post war period – deserting the army
Post war period – deserting the army
Periodo del dopoguerra - disertare l'esercito -
They wanted to keep me in the army when the war ended.
They wanted to keep me in the army when the war ended.
Volevano tenermi nell'esercito alla fine della guerra. -
I had some sort of Partisan rank,
I had some sort of Partisan rank,
Avevo una sorta di rango Partigiano, -
something like second lieutenant, but I had no intention of building a military career.
something like second lieutenant, but I had no intention of building a military career.
qualcosa come un sottotenente, ma non avevo alcuna intenzione di costruirmi una carriera da militare. -
I deserted the army in September 1945.
I deserted the army in September 1945.
Io ho abbandonato l'esercito nel settembre del 1945. -
I wanted to study and I believed that I fought for that too, for my own personal freedom, for the right to decide for myself what I would do.
I wanted to study and I believed that I fought for that too, for my own personal freedom, for the right to decide for myself what I would do.
Volevo studiare e credevo di lottare anche per quello, per la mia libertà personale, per il diritto di decidere da solo cosa avrei fatto. -
I didn’t want anybody else deciding for me.
I didn’t want anybody else deciding for me.
Non volevo che qualcun altro decidesse per me. -
I wanted to study Slovene; as I had never attended Slovene schools, my knowledge of the language was deficient, and I was a poet.
I wanted to study Slovene; as I had never attended Slovene schools, my knowledge of the language was deficient, and I was a poet.
Volevo studiare lo sloveno; siccome non avevo mai frequentato scuole slovene, la mia conoscenza della lingua era carente e io ero un poeta. -
That was all just retold rather harshly, but they understood. There were no charges brought against me.
That was all just retold rather harshly, but they understood. There were no charges brought against me.
Tutto questo è stato ridetto molto più duramente, ma hanno capito. Non ci sono state accuse a mio carico. -
I had deserted in September and it was December before I received my certificate of discharge.I had deserted in September and it was December before I received my certificate of discharge.Avevo disertato in settembre e era dicembre quando ricevetti il mio certificato di congedo.
For three months I had been de facto, and I might very well have been charged with desertion before a military court.
For three months I had been de facto, and I might very well have been charged with desertion before a military court.
Per tre mesi ero stato de facto e avrei potuto benissimo essere accusato di diserzione davanti a un tribunale militare. -
It was another of my crazy maneuvers that had simply worked out well.
It was another of my crazy maneuvers that had simply worked out well.
Era un'altra delle mie folli manovre che aveva semplicemente funzionato bene. -
They had understood this powerful desire of mine to study
They had understood this powerful desire of mine to study
Avevo capito questo mio forte desiderio di studiare -
and they turned a blind eye towards the fact that I had broken the law, that I had deserted the unit without anyone’s permission.
and they turned a blind eye towards the fact that I had broken the law, that I had deserted the unit without anyone’s permission.
e hanno chiuso un occhio sul fatto che avevo infranto la legge, che avevo abbandonato l'unità senza il permesso di nessuno. -
I just left.
I just left.
Me ne andai. -
Our unit was the Gubcev brigade with its seat in Postojna.
Our unit was the Gubcev brigade with its seat in Postojna.
La nostra unità era la brigata Gubcev con sede a Postumia. -
Every day I tested: I have to go studying, leave it alone,
Every day I tested: I have to go studying, leave it alone,
L'ho testato ogni giorno: devo andare a studiare, lascia stare, -
we have other worries, and you know how invaluable you are to us.
we have other worries, and you know how invaluable you are to us.
abbiamo altre preoccupazioni e tu sai quanto sei prezioso per noi.