European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I mean, being beaten up was not funny.
I mean, being beaten up was not funny.
insomma erano bastonate che non facevano mica bene. -
See, this is why I never wanted to see the fascists,
See, this is why I never wanted to see the fascists,
Ecco mi ricordo per questo, io i fascisti non li ho mai voluti vedere, -
I'm “glad” they gave me 42 months of war to do. I never liked them.
I'm “glad” they gave me 42 months of war to do. I never liked them.
contento che mi abbiano fatto fare 42 mesi di guerra e non li ho mai mandati giù. -
Conclusion: against war and fascism
Conclusion: against war and fascism
Conclusione: contro la guerra e il fasciamo -
When I came home, I joined (I hadn’t been politically organized before) the SED,
When I came home, I joined (I hadn’t been politically organized before) the SED,
Quando tornai a casa, entrai a far parte (prima non ero inquadrato politicamente) del SED, -
that was the association of the social democrats, communists and many independent people.
that was the association of the social democrats, communists and many independent people.
che era l'unione dei socialdemocratici, comunisti e molte persone indipendenti. -
I worked in the ministry occasionally
I worked in the ministry occasionally
Lavoravo occasionalmente nel Ministero -
and was temporarily at the SED in Tempelhof as the 2nd secretary,
and was temporarily at the SED in Tempelhof as the 2nd secretary,
ed ero temporaneamente a Tempelhof in qualità di Secondo Segretario, -
later on even as party secretary for a company in Johannisthal.
later on even as party secretary for a company in Johannisthal.
in seguito anche come segretario di partito per un'azienda a Johannisthal. -
After 1989/90 I have been particularly interested in those moor soldier meetings.
After 1989/90 I have been particularly interested in those moor soldier meetings.
Dopo il 1989/90 ero particolarmente interessato agli incontri di quei soldati della palude. -
I arranged that moor soldiers from Köpenick could give interviews.
I arranged that moor soldiers from Köpenick could give interviews.
Facevo in modo che i soldati della palude di Köpenick rilasciassero interviste. -
We have good contact and I have been going there every year.
We have good contact and I have been going there every year.
Avevo con loro dei buoni rapporti e andavo lì ogni anno. -
I have been taking part in their meetings: against war and against fascism.
I have been taking part in their meetings: against war and against fascism.
Partecipavo alle loro riunioni: contro la guerra e contro il fascismo. -
This is the conclusion: War is something terrible!
This is the conclusion: War is something terrible!
Queste sono le conclusioni: la guerra è terribile! -
It creates horrible conditions - not only for the soldiers but for civilians, as well.
It creates horrible conditions - not only for the soldiers but for civilians, as well.
Essa crea delle condizioni spaventose non solo per i soldati ma anche per la popolazione civile. -
You have to turn against fascism and now, as well, the neo-Nazis to be able to prevent similar affairs.
You have to turn against fascism and now, as well, the neo-Nazis to be able to prevent similar affairs.
Bisogna opporsi al fascismo e ora anche ai neonazisti per poter prevenire aspirazioni simili. -
That could maybe be even the closing words, if you have no other questions:
That could maybe be even the closing words, if you have no other questions:
Se non avete altre domande, queste forse potrebbero essere le parole conclusive. -
This conclusion did not only arise in recent years.
This conclusion did not only arise in recent years.
Tali conclusioni non sono frutto solo degli ultimi anni, -
You were already living with this decision in the times you were imprisoned and then afterwards during the war.
You were already living with this decision in the times you were imprisoned and then afterwards during the war.
ma erano già maturate durante la prigionia e poi durante la guerra. -
The choice of doing what I did.
The choice of doing what I did.
La scelta di fare quello che ho fatto.