European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
with hens, rabbits, and were laughing when they arrested the soldiers who had surrendered.
with hens, rabbits, and were laughing when they arrested the soldiers who had surrendered.
sono arrivati là con delle galline, i conigli, ecc., e ridevano quando hanno arrestati i soldati che si sono arresi, ecc. -
You have to remember that the Germans arrested and
You have to remember that the Germans arrested and
A notare che l’8 settembre, i tedeschi hanno praticamente arrestato -
sent to Germany more than 600,000 soldiers on the 8th of September.
sent to Germany more than 600,000 soldiers on the 8th of September.
oltre 600.000 soldati e mandato in Germania, in poche parole. -
Presentation: family, church, work
Presentation: family, church, work
Presentazione: familia, chiesa, lavoro -
My name is Fernando Cavazzini, partisan Toni.
My name is Fernando Cavazzini, partisan Toni.
Mi chiamo Cavazzini Fernando, partigiano Toni. -
I was born in Reggio Emilia, in the hamlet of Villa Cella, on the 23rd of September 1923.
I was born in Reggio Emilia, in the hamlet of Villa Cella, on the 23rd of September 1923.
Sono nato a Reggio Emilia, nella frazione di Villa Cella, il 23 settembre del 1923. -
My father was a cobbler, just like his father.
My father was a cobbler, just like his father.
Il mio papà faceva il calzolaio, come suo papà, cioè mio nonno, anche lui, una stirpe di calzolai. -
My mother was a housewife and at times a day-labourer.
My mother was a housewife and at times a day-labourer.
Mia madre era casalinga e faceva un po’ delle giornate da... come bracciante. -
I had an older brother, who was born in 1915.
I had an older brother, who was born in 1915.
Poi avevo un fratello maggiore, era del ’15, -
He was also a cobbler.
He was also a cobbler.
che faceva anche lui il calzolaio, -
My sister Margherita worked as a day-labourer or in the rice-fields.
My sister Margherita worked as a day-labourer or in the rice-fields.
una sorella, Margherita, che lei faceva un po’ la bracciante, andava alla risaia eccetera. -
Another sister was a dress-maker.
Another sister was a dress-maker.
Un'altra sorella faceva la sarta. -
My father was an antifascist,
My father was an antifascist,
Mio papà era un antifascista, -
although he wasn’t really organized in the antifascist movement.
although he wasn’t really organized in the antifascist movement.
che però non è che fosse organizzato nell’antifascismo, -
Nobody in my family was a fascist,
Nobody in my family was a fascist,
cioè nessuno nella mia famiglia era fascista in poche parole, -
but they weren’t organized, apart from me. I was in “Azione Cattolica” (Catholic Action).
but they weren’t organized, apart from me. I was in “Azione Cattolica” (Catholic Action).
però non è che fossero organizzati, insomma ecco. Solo io che ero nell’Azione Cattolica. -
When I was twelve, Don Luca Pallai, who was Villa Cella’s parish priest and later also joined the Resistance,
When I was twelve, Don Luca Pallai, who was Villa Cella’s parish priest and later also joined the Resistance,
A 12 anni, finite le scuole elementari, il parroco di Villa Cella, don Luca Pallai, che poi è diventato anche lui partigiano nella Resistenza, -
kept pressing my parents to send me to study to become a priest.
kept pressing my parents to send me to study to become a priest.
insisteva con i miei genitori di mandarmi in... eh, a studiare da prete. E ha insistito diverse volte. -
I believed in God and lived by the church.
I believed in God and lived by the church.
Io ero credente, che abitavo vicino alla chiesa, un centinaio di metri. -
I was the only one of our family who went to church.
I was the only one of our family who went to church.
Della mia famiglia ero l’unico che andava in chiesa. Poi a 13-14 anni ero a delegato aspiranti.