European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I was hearing everyday news,
I was hearing everyday news,
Notizie banali di tutti i giorni, -
but especially political discussions which were starting to take place at our house.
but especially political discussions which were starting to take place at our house.
ma particolarmente cominciavano a casa mia, nel nostro salotto delle discussioni politiche. -
I began to hear that a lot of people didn’t agree with fascism.
I began to hear that a lot of people didn’t agree with fascism.
Ho cominciato a sentir parlare che c’era gente che non era d’accordo con il fascismo. -
The tone was always rather timid and veiled though.
The tone was always rather timid and veiled though.
Erano sempre parole molto velate e molto timide -
Even a joke regarding the Duce could have got you in jail then.
Even a joke regarding the Duce could have got you in jail then.
perché allora anche solo una barzelletta contro il duce poteva essere motivo perché tu venissi arrestato. -
I remember a story regarding a young man who was beaten
I remember a story regarding a young man who was beaten
Oppure ricordo benissimo una notizia, che venne un ragazzo che in piazza -
since he hadn’t saluted a fascist with the fascist salute.
since he hadn’t saluted a fascist with the fascist salute.
non aveva salutato romanamente un fascista e lo avevano schiaffeggiato, lo avevano picchiato. -
I was really shocked by the fact that a boy could be beaten for this.
I was really shocked by the fact that a boy could be beaten for this.
Questo lo ricordo perfettamente perché mi fece una grande impressione che un ragazzo venisse picchiato solo perché non salutava romanamente un fascista. -
I found out that many of these young men didn’t want to take part in the “fascist Saturday”
I found out that many of these young men didn’t want to take part in the “fascist Saturday”
Ho cominciato a sentire che molti di questi giovani non volevano più andare al sabato fascista, -
activities as they realised that they were also meant to prepare the youth for war.
activities as they realised that they were also meant to prepare the youth for war.
in piazza, alle esercitazioni perché avevano capito che anche queste avevano una funzione di preparare i giovani alla guerra. -
We were passing around “Il padrone delle ferriere” (Le maître des forges)
We were passing around “Il padrone delle ferriere” (Le maître des forges)
Circolava “Il padrone delle ferriere”, -
or “Le stelle ci stanno a guardare” (The stars look down), which I’ve read many times.
or “Le stelle ci stanno a guardare” (The stars look down), which I’ve read many times.
“Le stelle ci stanno a guardare”, che ho letto moltissime volte, -
The one which got me thinking the most though was “Il padrone delle ferriere”.
The one which got me thinking the most though was “Il padrone delle ferriere”.
però quello che mi ha impressionato di più e che mi ha fatto pensare è stato “Il padrone delle ferriere”. -
As farmers we worked hard, but at least we stayed under the sun, in the open, under a tree.
As farmers we worked hard, but at least we stayed under the sun, in the open, under a tree.
Pensare che noi contadini faticavamo sì, ma all’aria aperta sotto il sole, sotto una pianta, avevamo intorno a noi la natura -
Reading the book I imagined those people working several meters underground with no protection.
Reading the book I imagined those people working several meters underground with no protection.
e pensare a questa gente che lavorava a metri e metri sotto terra senza nessuna protezione e che, se questo libro non l’avete letto, -
The author explains that everything in town had turned black, the colour of coal.
The author explains that everything in town had turned black, the colour of coal.
non potete immaginare quando descrive che tutto in quel paesino di minatori era color di carbone, era tutto nero, -
Even the kids’ faces were black since the coal dust was everywhere.
Even the kids’ faces were black since the coal dust was everywhere.
anche i bambini avevano i musetti neri perché la polvere di carbone penetrava dappertutto. -
This book really shook me.
This book really shook me.
Questo per me è stato il libro che mi ha sconvolto. -
I realized what the differences between the rich and the poor were.
I realized what the differences between the rich and the poor were.
Ho cominciato a capire qual’era la differenza tra i poveri e i ricchi. -
I remembered these men saying
I remembered these men saying
Ho cominciato a pensare a quando quei giovani là dicevano: