European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I immediately held on to the bag real tight and started to scream and cry.
I immediately held on to the bag real tight and started to scream and cry.
Subito presi la borsa e me la tenevo bella stretta e poi cominciai a urlare e a piangere, -
It was all an act, although I was also a little bit afraid.
It was all an act, although I was also a little bit afraid.
era tutto un po’ una finta, avevo anche paura ma era anche proprio una finta. -
A fascist stared at me for a while, then took my bicycle and threw it at me.
A fascist stared at me for a while, then took my bicycle and threw it at me.
E un fascista mi guardò un po’, poi prese la bicicletta e me la buttò addosso, -
We both fell on the ground, the bicycle and I. I got back on my feet quickly, and he told me:
We both fell on the ground, the bicycle and I. I got back on my feet quickly, and he told me:
siam caduti io e la bicicletta. Però sono stata tanto svelta e poi mi ha detto: -
“Do not ever come around here again”.
“Do not ever come around here again”.
“Non passare mai più da queste parti”. -
I can still remember his boots were very tall. He seemed like a giant to me. That’s how it felt then.
I can still remember his boots were very tall. He seemed like a giant to me. That’s how it felt then.
Lo ricordo ancora aveva gli stivaloni alti così, a me sembrava che fosse un gigante, non era poi mica vero ma nella mia immaginazione era così. -
Women defence groups
Women defence groups
Gruppi di difesa della Donna -
We set up Women support groups.
We set up Women support groups.
Nascono i gruppi di difesa della donna. -
These groups were the first important women organizations.
These groups were the first important women organizations.
Questa è stata la prima organizzazione femminile importante, -
It was the women themselves who spontaneously set them up.
It was the women themselves who spontaneously set them up.
direi quasi nata proprio dalla spontaneità delle donne. -
These groups had specific purposes.
These groups had specific purposes.
Quindi nasce il gruppo di difesa della donna con dei compiti ben precisi. -
Something drew us together, even those women who had believed in fascism in the ‘20s.
Something drew us together, even those women who had believed in fascism in the ‘20s.
All’inizio c’era un filo che ci legava tutte e in particolar modo anche quelle che nel Ventennio avevano creduto nel fascismo, -
We had all understood that fascism led to nothing positive.
We had all understood that fascism led to nothing positive.
oramai c’era una situazione che anche queste mamme che avevano i figli che erano morti in guerra e così via, -
There were women whose sons had died in war,
There were women whose sons had died in war,
avevano capito che il fascismo non aveva portato niente di buono, -
as well as women who had not been as lucky as I was to be raised in an antifascist family.
as well as women who had not been as lucky as I was to be raised in an antifascist family.
quindi anche quelle che non erano state fortunate come me di crescere in una famiglia antifascista, di avere già degli ideali miei, -
However we were all convinced that something had to be done to change the situation.
However we were all convinced that something had to be done to change the situation.
avevano capito che era giusto fare qualcosa perché questa situazione cambiasse. -
What was the goal that moved us all?
What was the goal that moved us all?
Qual era il motivo principale che ci animava tutte? -
Peace. Fighting for peace, to end the war as soon as possible.
Peace. Fighting for peace, to end the war as soon as possible.
Era la lotta per la pace, perché la guerra finisse al più presto possibile. Questo era il filo conduttore che ci animò tutte. -
It was an organized activity.
It was an organized activity.
E’ un’attività organizzata. -
We were born to support the partisans.
We were born to support the partisans.
E il nostro lavoro, siamo nate noi in appoggio ai partigiani.