European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Activities as a partisan; battle-name
Activities as a partisan; battle-name
Attivitá partigiana; nome di battaglia -
They called me Aurora and told me:
They called me Aurora and told me:
Mi hanno messo il nome Aurora, e mi han detto: -
“Aurora, here we need someone who stays on duty the whole time”.
“Aurora, here we need someone who stays on duty the whole time”.
“Aurora qui ci vuole una fissa”, perché io ero fissa, perché lavoravo... -
I was available night and day, unlike those who stayed at home
I was available night and day, unlike those who stayed at home
and did their household chores.
and did their household chores.
ero disponibile giorno e notte, non era come quelle che erano a casa sua perché quelle facevano anche delle ore i suoi lavori di casa... -
We needed someone who was always available.
We needed someone who was always available.
lì ci voleva una che era sempre a disposizione. -
I said alright, I’ll learn. I took typewriting classes, we got a typewriter and began my full daily life.
I said alright, I’ll learn. I took typewriting classes, we got a typewriter and began my full daily life.
E allora ho deciso io e ho detto va bene, impareremo. Sono andata a fare un corso di dattilografia, abbiamo preso una macchina da scrivere, ho imparato a scrivere a macchina e poi ho cominciato la mia vita piena. -
I was a dispatch rider, I was a secretary, I did everything that needed to be done.
I was a dispatch rider, I was a secretary, I did everything that needed to be done.
Facevo la staffetta, facevo la segretaria, facevo tutto quello che c’era da fare. -
In the beginning I went to Bologna twice a week,
In the beginning I went to Bologna twice a week,
Andavo a Bologna i primi tempi due volte alla settimana circa, -
picking up weapons and ammunitions if needed, but mostly new orders coming from the central headquarters,
picking up weapons and ammunitions if needed, but mostly new orders coming from the central headquarters,
a prendere armi e munizioni se c’era bisogno, ma più che altro ordini nuovi che venivano diciamo dal comando unico -
which we depended on.
which we depended on.
e poi dopo si dipendeva... C’era il comando unico -
There were the central headquarters and then other headquarters all the way down to the brigades.
There were the central headquarters and then other headquarters all the way down to the brigades.
e poi dopo c’erano tutti gli altri comandi fino arrivare alle brigate. -
I worked without pause taking part in actions when it was needed,
I worked without pause taking part in actions when it was needed,
E ho lavorato continuamente partecipando a delle azioni quando c’era bisogno, -
shadowing and other actions of our brigade.
shadowing and other actions of our brigade.
a dei pedinamenti e facendo un po’ tutto, un po’ tutto questo della brigata diciamo. -
We had places we went to, we called them “recapiti” (addresses), where I brought things for everybody:
We had places we went to, we called them “recapiti” (addresses), where I brought things for everybody:
Però avevamo poi diciamo i posti dove andavamo... i recapiti li chiamavamo, dove io andavo a portare la roba per tutti: -
in Carpi, in Fossoli, in the lowlands where we had all our partisans.
in Carpi, in Fossoli, in the lowlands where we had all our partisans.
quelli di Carpi, quelli di Fossi, quelli di tutta la bassa dove avevamo tutti i nostri partigiani -
I carried the stuff there and the dispatch riders then carried it to the “recapiti”.
I carried the stuff there and the dispatch riders then carried it to the “recapiti”.
e là io portavo nei recapiti tutta la roba pronta e le staffette andavano poi nei recapiti... -
There were various dispatch riders.
There were various dispatch riders.
le diverse staffette perché c’erano diverse. -
At the local headquarters I was a secretary but I also had two dispatch riders there.
At the local headquarters I was a secretary but I also had two dispatch riders there.
Perché al comando io avevo... io ero segretario ma avevo anche due staffette del comando. -
One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
Una, Carmen, nome di battaglia, e una, Vera, che era una slava.