European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Distruggevano quello che trovavano, ammazzavano un tedesco e ne ammazzavano dieci dei nostri.
Distruggevano quello che trovavano, ammazzavano un tedesco e ne ammazzavano dieci dei nostri.
They would destroy whatever they found, and kill ten of our people for each German who had been killed.
They would destroy whatever they found, and kill ten of our people for each German who had been killed.They would destroy whatever they found, and kill ten of our people for each German who had been killed.
They would destroy whatever they found, and kill ten of our people for each German who had been killed.They would destroy whatever they found, and kill ten of our people for each German who had been killed.
They would destroy whatever they found, and kill ten of our people for each German who had been killed.
Distruggevano quello che trovavano, ammazzavano un tedesco e ne ammazzavano dieci dei nostri.Distruggevano quello che trovavano, ammazzavano un tedesco e ne ammazzavano dieci dei nostri.
Distruggevano quello che trovavano, ammazzavano un tedesco e ne ammazzavano dieci dei nostri.
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