European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
e al mattino son partita, son andata a prendere la Zanti e siamo andate a Modena, in bicicletta.
e al mattino son partita, son andata a prendere la Zanti e siamo andate a Modena, in bicicletta.
So I left in the morning, I went to pick Zanti up and we went to Modena by bicycle.
So I left in the morning, I went to pick Zanti up and we went to Modena by bicycle.So I left in the morning, I went to pick Zanti up and we went to Modena by bicycle.
So I left in the morning, I went to pick Zanti up and we went to Modena by bicycle.So I left in the morning, I went to pick Zanti up and we went to Modena by bicycle.
So I left in the morning, I went to pick Zanti up and we went to Modena by bicycle.
e al mattino son partita, son andata a prendere la Zanti e siamo andate a Modena, in bicicletta.e al mattino son partita, son andata a prendere la Zanti e siamo andate a Modena, in bicicletta.
e al mattino son partita, son andata a prendere la Zanti e siamo andate a Modena, in bicicletta.
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