European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)


  1. Once he was stopped by a Black Brigade near the cemetery of Via Cecati while he was taking one home.
    Once he was stopped by a Black Brigade near the cemetery of Via Cecati while he was taking one home.
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  2. Once he was stopped by a Black Brigade near the cemetery of Via Cecati while he was taking one home.
    Once he was stopped by a Black Brigade near the cemetery of Via Cecati while he was taking one home.

    Once he was stopped by a Black Brigade near the cemetery of Via Cecati while he was taking one home.

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  3. changed via the API .
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  4. e infatti quando ne ha portato a casa uno gli l’ha fermato la brigata nera vicino al cimitero in via Cecati e gli dice: “Cos’è quell’aggeggio lì?”.
    e infatti quando ne ha portato a casa uno gli l’ha fermato la brigata nera vicino al cimitero in via Cecati e gli dice: “Cos’è quell’aggeggio lì?”.

    e infatti quando ne ha portato a casa uno gli lha fermato la brigata nera vicino al cimitero in via Cecati e gli dice: “Cosè quellaggeggio ?”.

    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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