
  1. Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to participate
    Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to participate

    Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to participate

    changed by Pierre Olivier Martel .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Din ven <b>%{name}</b> inviterer dig til at deltage
    Din ven <b>%{name}</b> inviterer dig til at deltage
    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  3. Din ven <b>%{name}</b> opfordrer dig til at deltage
    Din ven <b>%{name}</b> opfordrer dig til at deltage
    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  4. Din ven <b>%{name}</b> opfordrer dig til at deltage
    Din ven <b>%{name}</b> opfordrer dig til at deltage
    changed by Pierre Olivier Martel via a Batch Operation.
    Copy to clipboard
  5. Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to participate
    Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to participate

    Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to participate

    changed by Pierre Olivier Martel via a Batch Operation.
    Copy to clipboard