Diaspora — diasporafoundation.org

diaspora* is a privacy aware, distributed, open source social network

Project Activity View More

26 Jul ‘24 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Diaspora because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
19 Apr ‘24 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Diaspora because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
16 Feb ‘24 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Diaspora because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
16 Feb ‘24 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Diaspora because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
14 Jul from 5:07pm to 5:43pm
Lingualeafy changed 41 translations in Chinese, Taiwan on Diaspora. See changes »