- Log in, v. translated to 登入: Voted up.
- notifications, n. translated to 消息: Voted up.
- follow, v. translated to 追蹤: Voted up.
- unfollow, v. translated to 不追蹤: Voted up.
- Stream, n. translated to 流水帳: Voted up.
- aspect, n. translated to 面向: Voted up.
- browse, v. translated to 瀏覽: Voted up.
- browser, n. translated to 瀏覽器: Voted up.
- Diaspora ID, n translated to Diaspora 識別碼: Voted up.
- account, n. translated to 帳號: Voted up.
- conversation, n. translated to 交談: Voted up.
- hide, v. translated to 隱藏: Voted up.
- link, n. translated to 連結: Voted up.
- Community spotlight, collocation translated to 社群焦點: Voted up.
- comment, n. translated to 意見: Voted up.
- comment, v. translated to 發表意見: Voted up.
- user, n. translated to 使用者: Voted up.
- user, adj. translated to 使用者的: Voted up.
- username, n. translated to 使用者名稱: Voted up.
- unfollow, v. translated to 取消追蹤: Voted up.
- person, n. translated to 人: Voted up.
- photo, n. translated to 相片: Voted up.
- post, n. translated to 貼文: Voted up.
- recent, adj. translated to 最新: Voted up.
- Sign in, v. translated to 註冊: Voted down.
- Sign in, v. translated to 登入: Voted up.
- Sign out, v. translated to 登出: Voted up.
- Sign up, v. translated to 註冊: Voted up.
- tag, n. translated to 標籤: Voted up.
- failed to..., v. translated to ...失敗了: Voted up.
- NSFW, acronym translated to 上班時不宜: Voted up.
- reshare, v. translated to 轉貼: Voted up.
- reshare, n translated to 轉貼: Voted up.
- spotlight, n. translated to 焦點: Voted up.
- request, v. translated to 請求: Voted up.
- request, n. translated to 請求: Voted up.
- invitation, n. translated to 邀請: Voted up.
- Show, v. translated to 顯示: Voted up.
- application, n. translated to 應用程式: Voted up.
- deleted post, collocation translated to 已刪掉的貼文: Voted up.
- feature, n. translated to 功能: Voted up.
- instructions, n. translated to 步驟: Voted up.
- Privacy Policy, collocation translated to 隱私方案: Voted up.
- Terms and Conditions, collocation translated to 服務條款與細則: Voted up.
- mark, v. translated to 標示: Voted up.
- undo, v. translated to 復原: Voted up.
- unlock, v. translated to 解鎖: Voted up.
- cancel, v. translated to 取消: Voted up.
- check out, v. translated to 來看看: Voted up.
- deselect, v. translated to 不選: Voted up.
- donate, v. translated to 捐助: Voted up.
- learn more, collocation translated to 進一步了解: Voted up.
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