Leerstellen in Termen?

Discussion started , with 3 comments.
  1. Ivan O. Luco German Translator with all proofreading rights

    Wie markiere ich eine Leerstelle in einem Term? Wenn ich z.B. das englische Adjektiv "user" übersetzen will, müsste ich sowas wie "Benutzer_" oder "Benutzer-" eintragen, so dass aus "user data" dann "Benutzerdaten" wird. Wie mache ich das hier?

  2. Jonne Haß Manager

    English on project wide and segment wide discussions please ;)

    We try to provide full sentences for translation where possible, so that one segment only contains "user" and gets concatenated by a segment containing "data shouldn't be happen, instead the segment should be "Download your user data" or whatever.

    Have you found a segment where this is not the case?

  3. Ivan O. Luco German Translator with all proofreading rights

    Sorry, I meant it to be "de translation" only – first timer :-)

    No, I haven't found a segment, I was more interested in how the term database works (I wasn't sure whether it attempts automatic substitution, in which case this would have been relevant). Got it now, thanks!

  4. Jonne Haß Manager

    Ah, no worries. The term base should only provide terms special for the project, describe it meanings and provide the translation used so that can be consistently used. When a segment contains such a term the corresponding entry is showed.

    Might need a cleanup.