02 Sep from 10:57am to 11:03am
Qstionapp changed 12 translations in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German on Dilmot. Hide changes

In English:

  1. Change order of questions
    Change order of questions

    Change order of questions

    changed via the API .
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  2. Change the order of questions
    Change the order of questions

    Change the order of questions

    changed by Qstionapp .
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In French:

  2. Modérer les questions en attente
    Modérer les questions en attente
    changed by Qstionapp .
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  2. Changer l'ordre des questions
    Changer l'ordre des questions
    changed by Qstionapp .
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In Spanish:

  2. Moderar las preguntas pendientes
    Moderar las preguntas pendientes
    changed by Qstionapp .
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  2. Cambiar el orden de las preguntas
    Cambiar el orden de las preguntas
    changed by Qstionapp .
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In Italian:

  2. moderare le domande in sospeso
    moderare le domande in sospeso
    changed by Qstionapp .
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  2. Cambiare l'ordine delle domande
    Cambiare l'ordine delle domande
    changed by Qstionapp .
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In Portuguese:

  2. Alterar a ordem das perguntas
    Alterar a ordem das perguntas
    changed by Qstionapp .
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  2. Moderar perguntas pendentes
    Moderar perguntas pendentes
    changed by Qstionapp .
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In German:

  2. Ihre Frage wurde gesendet.
    Ihre Frage wurde gesendet.
    changed by Qstionapp .
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  2. Fragen moderieren
    Fragen moderieren
    changed by Qstionapp .
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  2. Reihenfolge der Fragen ändern
    Reihenfolge der Fragen ändern
    changed by Qstionapp .
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02 Sep from 10:57am to 11:03am