WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
- user_mailer.new_invoice.body Instruction changed from “” to “Template for an e-mail sent out manually when asking for the payment of an invoice”
- project_files._import_status.cleaning_up Instruction changed from “” to “This is displayed as a status when importing a file (waiting for a worker, importing, cleaning and reticulating splines). Reticulating splines is an easter egg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg_(media) ). It doesn’t mean anything. It comes from the videogame Sim City 2000 which I played a lot as a kid. https://www.quora.com/What-does-reticulating-splines-mean”
- projects._form.webhook Instruction changed from “” to “A webhook is basically a call to another web service when an action is made on this website. For instance, write something on a chat room when a transalation is saved. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webhook”
- projects._form.webhook_desc Instruction changed from “” to “A HTTP Post request is a special kind of web request. The payload here refers to the content of the data transfer. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payload_(computing)”
- toolbar.dictionary.compounds Instruction changed from “” to “Compounds means language pairs in that context”
- project_files.failure.file_busy Instruction changed from “” to “A file can be busy when it’s getting imported. When a file is busy it can’t be downloaded.”
- common.new_features Instruction changed from “” to “Displayed at the very top of the webpage when there is an unread blog post about a new feature.”
- user_mailer.discussion_notification.subject_with_topic Instruction changed from “” to “Used as the subject of notification e-mails”
- plans.about_in_usd Instruction changed from “” to “An automatic conversion of the plan prices in USD”
- plans.about_in_usd Instruction changed from “An automatic conversion of the plan prices in USD” to “An automatic conversion of the plan prices from EUR to USD”
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