
  1. Only the account owner <a href="mailto:%{owner_email}">%{owner_email}</a> can change this organization’s plan.
    Only the account owner <a href="mailto:%{owner_email}">%{owner_email}</a> can change this organization’s plan.

    Only the account owner <a href="mailto:%{owner_email}">%{owner_email}</a> can change this organizations plan.

    changed via the API .
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  2. Solo el titular de la cuenta <a href="mailto:%{owner_email}">%{owner_email}</a> puede cambiar el plan.
    Solo el titular de la cuenta <a href="mailto:%{owner_email}">%{owner_email}</a>  puede cambiar el plan.
    changed by WebTranslateIt AutoTranslate .
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    Translated by AutoTranslate from segment organizations._plans.insufficient_rights.