06 Sep from 3:20pm to 3:42pm
Bbudar changed 124 translations in Romanian on
See changes »
Hide changes
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{consilier auxiliar în clasă}
{consilier auxiliar în clasă}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al doilea consilier auxiliar în clasă}
{Al doilea consilier auxiliar în clasă}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Primul număr de Cântare}
{Primul număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al doilea număr de Cântare}
{Al doilea număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al treilea număr de Cântare}
{Al treilea număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 1 nume}
{cântarea numărul 1 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 2 nume}
{cântarea numărul 2 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de deschidere}
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de deschidere}
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 3 nume}
{cântarea numărul 3 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de încheiere}
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de încheiere}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{timpul alocat}
{timpul alocat}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{titlul temei}
{titlul temei}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
{vorbitor desemnat}
{vorbitor desemnat}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{cursant desemnat}
{cursant desemnat}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{bifați dacă studentul a făcut exercițiul (e)}
{bifați dacă studentul a făcut exercițiul (e)}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Numărul lecției}
{Numărul lecției}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Numele lecţiei}
{Numele lecţiei}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{timp alocat pentru temele cursanților n}
{timp alocat pentru temele cursanților n}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{tema cuvântări vestitorilor n}
{tema cuvântări vestitorilor n}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{sursa materialului pentru cuvântarea vestitorilor n}
{sursa materialului pentru cuvântarea vestitorilor n}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{vestitor atribuit pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
{vestitor atribuit pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_ASSISTANT_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_ASSISTANT_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{asistent desemnat pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
{asistent desemnat pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{consilier auxiliar în clasă}
{consilier auxiliar în clasă}
changed by
Bbudar .
{consilier auxiliar în clasă}
{consilier auxiliar în clasă}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al doilea consilier auxiliar în clasă}
{Al doilea consilier auxiliar în clasă}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al doilea consilier auxiliar în clasă}
{Al doilea consilier auxiliar în clasă}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Primul număr de Cântare}
{Primul număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Primul număr de Cântare}
{Primul număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al doilea număr de Cântare}
{Al doilea număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al doilea număr de Cântare}
{Al doilea număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al treilea număr de Cântare}
{Al treilea număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Al treilea număr de Cântare}
{Al treilea număr de Cântare}
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 1 nume}
{cântarea numărul 1 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 1 nume}
{cântarea numărul 1 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 2 nume}
{cântarea numărul 2 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 2 nume}
{cântarea numărul 2 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 3 nume}
{cântarea numărul 3 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
{cântarea numărul 3 nume}
{cântarea numărul 3 nume}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de deschidere}
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de deschidere}
changed by
Bbudar .
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de deschidere}
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de deschidere}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de încheiere}
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de încheiere}
changed by
Bbudar .
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de încheiere}
{numele fratelui care spune rugăciune de încheiere}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{timpul alocat}
{timpul alocat}
changed by
Bbudar .
{timpul alocat}
{timpul alocat}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{titlul temei}
{titlul temei}
changed by
Bbudar .
{titlul temei}
{titlul temei}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{vorbitor desemnat}
{vorbitor desemnat}
changed by
Bbudar .
{vorbitor desemnat}
{vorbitor desemnat}
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{cursant desemnat}
{cursant desemnat}
changed by
Bbudar .
{cursant desemnat}
{cursant desemnat}
changed by
Bbudar .
{bifați dacă studentul a făcut exercițiul (e)}
{bifați dacă studentul a făcut exercițiul (e)}
changed by
Bbudar .
{bifați dacă studentul a făcut exercițiul (e)}
{bifați dacă studentul a făcut exercițiul (e)}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Numărul lecției}
{Numărul lecției}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Numărul lecției}
{Numărul lecției}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{Numele lecţiei}
{Numele lecţiei}
changed by
Bbudar .
{Numele lecţiei}
{Numele lecţiei}
changed by
Bbudar .
{timp alocat pentru temele cursanților n}
{timp alocat pentru temele cursanților n}
changed by
Bbudar .
{timp alocat pentru temele cursanților n}
{timp alocat pentru temele cursanților n}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{tema cuvântări vestitorilor n}
{tema cuvântări vestitorilor n}
changed by
Bbudar .
{tema cuvântări vestitorilor n}
{tema cuvântări vestitorilor n}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
{sursa materialului pentru cuvântarea vestitorilor n}
{sursa materialului pentru cuvântarea vestitorilor n}
changed by
Bbudar .
{sursa materialului pentru cuvântarea vestitorilor n}
{sursa materialului pentru cuvântarea vestitorilor n}
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
changed by
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
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{vestitor atribuit pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
{vestitor atribuit pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
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{vestitor atribuit pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
{vestitor atribuit pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
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{asistent desemnat pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
{asistent desemnat pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
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{asistent desemnat pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
{asistent desemnat pentru cursant n în clasa dată}
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06 Sep from 3:20pm to 3:42pm